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The person who replaces the president after he dies is the Vice President.

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Q: Which president was replacement after he dies?
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What procedures do you think should be followed for the replacement of a president who dies?

I think what they have in place. The Vice President, speaker of the house, etc

Who assumes the Vice-President's duties if he dies or can no longer serve?

The President appoints a replacement, who must be approved by both houses of Congress.

What happens after the vice president dies?

In accordance with Amendment 25 of the United States Constitution, if the vice president dies, resigns or is otherwise removed, the President of the United States nominates his or her replacement. That person assumes the position of vice president after he or she has been confirmed by a majority vote by both houses of Congress.

What would happen if the vice president dies?

In accordance with Amendment 25 of the United States Constitution, if the vice president dies, resigns or is otherwise removed, the President of the United States nominates his or her replacement. That person assumes the position of vice president after he or she has been confirmed by a majority vote by both houses of Congress.

Who would replace vice president if the vice president dies?

After John Kennedy's assasination, the 25th Amendment was enacted stating tha the President would nominate a replacement which would have to be approved by a majority vote of the House of Representatives and Senate. Previously, the position was left unfilled.

Who succeeds the president if the vice president dies or resigns?

if the president dies then the vice president will succeeds

How long do the vice president have to wait after the president dies?

He does not have to wait; he can be the president as soon as he dies:)

Who becomes president if the president dies while in office?

vice president, & if he dies, the speaker of the house

Who becomes president once the president tdies?

If the president dies then the vice president takes office if the vice president dies then the speaker of office is president

If the president dies who will be president?

The vice president

Who becomes president in the USA if your president dies and what if that person also dies?

The Presidency goes to the Vice President. If the VP dies, Presidency passes to the Speaker of the House.

Who is president if the vice president dies?

The president is still the president.