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it is bc bc bc bc bc

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Q: Who are some original colonists and what are their contrbutions?
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What decade decades did Sally Ride make her contrbutions?

1976 and 1982

What is the number of original colonists?

The answer depends on where the "original" colony is meant to have been!

What was the original reason the colonists went to war with the England?

the colonists went to war with Great Britain to protect their rights as English citizens

Who has settled in Georgia?

James Oglethorpe founded Georgia. The original colonists were english.

What is the historical significance of Alexander Hamilton?

How do you feel Alexander hamiltonn contributed to the America today and the America then. do you think his contrbutions were signifigant

Why did British colonists in the thirteen original colonies began to resent the British government?


How many colonies were made when the colonists moved to America?

13... the thirteen original colonies

Which of these statements is falseThe colonists still considered themselves to be English citizens at the beginning of the Revolutionary War?

The original reason the colonists fought in the Revolutionary War was to gain their independence from England.

Why did some colonists disagree with the leader of Massachusetts?

because the colonists did not have freedom.

Why did some colonists disagree with the leader Massachusetts?

because the colonists did not have freedom.

Where do you check for the answers to your questions posed on this site?

On the left navigation field is My Contrbutions. Look there. But if you did not register, it would be under an IP address.

When did the natives started attacking the colonists?

It took some time for relations to get that bad, but the natives only attacked colonists after colonists attacked them.