Richard Henry Lee introduced the resolution calling for independence from England.
Richard Henry Lee
Richard Henry Lee of Virginia proposed the idea of colonial independence. He did this through the Lee Resolution, which he introduced at the Second Continental Congress.
Richard Henry Lee was a delgate from Virginia to the Second Continental Congress. He proposed a resolution that America declare its independence from Great Britain. On July 2, 1772, the Second continental Congrees adopted that resolution and 2 days later adopted the final form of the Declaration of Independence.
The First Continental Congress had nothing to do with the Declaration of Independence.
It was Richard Henry Lee who introduced a resolution for independence. This occurred at the Continental Congress in Philadelphia. The motion was seconded by John Adams.
Richard Henry Lee introduced the resolution calling for independence from England.
Richard Henry lee
Richard Henry Lee
Richard Henry Lee
Richard Henry Lee introduced the resolution for independence to the second Continental Congress. It was call the Lee Resolution and introduced on June 7, 1776.
John Dickinson, a Founding Father, called for a resolution in the Second Continental Congress for Independence from Britain.
July 1st, 1776
Richard Henry Lee
On July 2,1776 , the continental Congress considered Lee's resolution again. this time the resolution passed, and the colonies considered themselves independent.
The resolution was offered by Richard Henry Lee, as spokesman for the Virginia delegation. (Advocates of such a resolution, esp. John Adams of Massachusetts, urged Virginia to offer the resolution as a means of garnering more support from the Southern colonies.)