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He was a Germanic general

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Q: Who is odoacer?
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German invaders of the Roman Empire in 455 AD?

Yes, ÒGermanic people, the Vandals led by Gaiseric, had crossed from Spain into N. Africa in 429 AD and by 435 AD controlled much of the coast ÒThey mastered the sea and in 455 AD dared to attack Rome! ÒThe Romans were unprepared and leaderless ÒThe next two decades were filled with wars against the Vandals ÒEventually, the barbarian Roman army in Italy revolted (true Roman soldiers by this time had completely disappeared) and elected Odoacer, a barbarian officer as their king ÒIn 476 AD Odoacer deposed the last Roman Emperor in the West

Who deposed the last emperor of the Roman west?

If you are talking about the Roman Empire, it was Romulus Augustus

Who was the leader of the goths?

Goths, ancient Teutonic people, who in the 3rd to the 6th century AD were an important power in the Roman world. The Goths were the first Germanic peoples to become Christians. According to the 6th-century Gothic historian Jordanes, the Goths came from Sweden across the Baltic Sea to the basin of the Wis³a (Vistula) River. By the 3rd century AD they had migrated as far south as the lower Danube, around the Black Sea. During that century Gothic armies and fleets ravaged Thrace, Dacia, and cities in Asia Minor and along the Aegean coast. They captured and plundered Athens in 267 to 268, and threatened Italy. For about a century, wars between the Roman emperors and Gothic rulers devastated the Balkan territory and the northeastern Mediterranean region. Other tribes joined the Goths, and under the great king Ermanaric in the 4th century, a kingdom was established that extended from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea.About 370 the Goths divided into two separate groups. The Ostrogoths (Low Latin Ostrogothae,"the eastern Goths") inhabited a large kingdom east of the Dniester River on the shores of the Black Sea (part of modern Ukraine and Belarus). The Visigoths (Low Latin Visigothi,"the good Goths" or "the noble Goths") were the western Goths, with a domain extending from the Dniester to the Danube rivers.About 100 years after the birth of Christ an ancient Teutonic people began moving out of northern Europe. In time they overran the Roman Empire. The first of these barbarians to conquer Rome were the Visigoths, or West Goths.Where the Goths first came from is not definitely known. According to their folklore, their people had once lived far to the north, on the shores and islands of what is now Sweden. After long, slow wanderings through the forests of western Russia, the Goths reached the shores of the Black Sea. In 100 years of contact with the Romans, they learned many things, especially the Christian religion.Christianity was spread among them by a converted Goth, a saintly scholar named Ulfilas. For more than 40 years he labored, first making a Gothic alphabet so that he could translate the Bible and then teaching his people the new faith. This Bible translated by Ulfilas has great historical value because it is centuries older than the earliest writing to survive in any other Teutonic language.For a time the Goths ruled a great kingdom north of the Danube River and the Black Sea. Then, in AD 375, the Huns swept into Europe from Asia. They conquered the Ostrogoths, or East Goths, and forced the Visigoths to seek refuge across the Danube within the boundaries of the Roman Empire.In a battle fought near the city of Adrianople in 378, the Visigoths defeated and murdered Emperor Valens. For a time they lived peaceably on Roman territory. On the death of Emperor Theodosius in 395, they rose in rebellion under their ambitious young king Alaric and overran a large part of the Eastern Empire. Rome itself fell into the hands of the Visigoths in 410. Alaric led the attack.Alaric's successors led their people out of Italy and set up a powerful kingdom in southern Gaul and Spain. In the year 507 the Visigoths in Gaul were defeated by the Franks and were forced beyond the Pyrenees. For 200 years their kingdom in Spain flourished. In 711, when the Moors crossed to Spain from Africa, the Visigothic kingdom was destroyed.The Ostrogoths for a time formed part of the vast horde that followed the king of the Huns, Attila. They settled in the lands south of Vienna when the Hunnish kingdom fell apart. Their national hero was Theodoric the Great, a powerful and romantic figure who became king in 474. As a boy he had been sent as a hostage to Constantinople (now Istanbul) and had been educated there. In 488 he invaded Italy with the permission of the emperor at Constantinople. After several years of warfare, Theodoric captured and killed Odoacer. Odoacer was a barbarian who had usurped the Roman power and had founded a powerful kingdom that included all Italy together with lands north and east of the Adriatic Sea. Theodoric's reign was one of the ablest and best in this period. He failed, however, largely because no permanent union was effected between the barbarians and the Christian-Roman population. All his wise plans for bringing this about proved futile because the Ostrogoths, in common with most German barbarians, had been converted to Arianism, a heretical form of Christianity, and so were hated by the orthodox.After Theodoric died in 526, the generals of the Eastern Roman Empire reconquered Italy (see Justinian I). After fighting a last battle near Mount Vesuvius in 553, the Ostrogoths marched out of Italy. They merged with other barbarian hordes north of the Alps and disappeared as a people from history.

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When was Odoacer born?

Odoacer was born in 433.

Did Odoacer die?

Yes, Odoacer died on None

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Odoacer or Flavius Odoacer was the leader of the forces that defeated the last Roman emperor of the west.Odoacer or Flavius Odoacer was the leader of the forces that defeated the last Roman emperor of the west.Odoacer or Flavius Odoacer was the leader of the forces that defeated the last Roman emperor of the west.Odoacer or Flavius Odoacer was the leader of the forces that defeated the last Roman emperor of the west.Odoacer or Flavius Odoacer was the leader of the forces that defeated the last Roman emperor of the west.Odoacer or Flavius Odoacer was the leader of the forces that defeated the last Roman emperor of the west.Odoacer or Flavius Odoacer was the leader of the forces that defeated the last Roman emperor of the west.Odoacer or Flavius Odoacer was the leader of the forces that defeated the last Roman emperor of the west.Odoacer or Flavius Odoacer was the leader of the forces that defeated the last Roman emperor of the west.

Which of these was not a Greek philosopher?


Which of these was not a Greek philosopherPlatoAristotleOdoacer?


Which of these was not a Greek philosopher Odoacer?

Odoacer was not a Greek philosopher. He was a Germanic chieftain who deposed the last Roman emperor in the West in 476 AD, marking the end of the Roman Empire's governance in Italy.

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Who killed odoacer?

I believe it was theodric

Was odoacer a roman emperor?

No, Odoacer was not an Emperor. He was a general who deposed Romulus Augustulus, the last Emperor of the West Roman Empire, and asked Zeno, the Emperor of the East Roman Empire of the time, to take responsibility for both halves of the empire. Odoacer continued on, apparently as a king or supreme governor, in Italy. Please use the link below for more on Odoacer.

What Germanic tribe was odoacer in?

He belonged to the Ostrogoths

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