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Crispus Attucks was the first American to die in the struggle. He died in the Boston Massacre.

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Q: Who is the first American to die in the struggle with England?
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What was puritans relationship with native American?

The puritans did not like the Native Americans. They had sort of a standoffish attitude towards them, because they did not put God first. Instead they put survival first. This caused problems in the puritan communities, and were not welcoming to the natives. This was ironic because the puritans left England because of the religious persecution in England. Then they are persecuting others for not being of their faith. The puritans never saw the native's way of living as a good idea. They thought if you live by the Bible and live for god, then if you are meant to survive, you will and if you die from malnutrition or other survival needs God wanted you to die.

The snake join or die why was the head New England?

No specific reason, possibly because Ben Franklin (who made it) was from New England and New England was a major part of the colonies.

Crispus attucks accomplishments?

well all of u need answers to this i do to so first things first u answer mine.with what name was crispus attucks born with and if he changed why?where did crispus attucks grow up/spend most of his time?what kind of schooling did crispus attucks have?what was crispus attucks childhood like?did he get married if so to whom and when?for what is crispus attucks famous for?what problems did crispus attucks have to overcome?how did crispus attucks overcome or conquer these problems?

What does NE stand for in Ben Franklin's join or die poster?

New England colonies!

Who was the first African American to die in the colonist' fight for freedom against the British?

Crispus Attucks Crispus Attucks Crispus Attucks Crispus Attucks Crispus Attucks Crispus Attucks Crispus Attucks

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Who was the first American die in the struggle with England?

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Who was the first American to die in the struggle for Independence?

Crispus Attucks 1723 - March 5, 1770, was killed in the Boston Massacre in Boston, Massachusetts. He has been named as the first martyr of the American Revolution.

History Who is generally regarded as one of the very first Americans to die in the struggle for liberty from British Rule?

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Who was the first African American to die for American Liberty.?

Type your answer here... Cripus Attucks

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Sgt. Nathan Chapman.

Who is generally as one of the very first Americans to die in the struggle for liberty from British rule?

Cripus AttucksHe became the first death of the American Revolution in 1770 when he was shot and killed in what became known as the Boston Massacre. Although Attucks was credited as the instigator of the event, debate raged for over as century as to whether he was a hero and a patriot, or a villain.

The first person to die for this country was an African American named?

crispus attucks

Who was the first African American to die frighting for the colonies independence?

the answer is chisposs atkins

Who generally regarded as one of the very first Americans to die from the struggle for liberty from British rule?

Cripus AttucksHe became the first death of the American Revolution in 1770 when he was shot and killed in what became known as the Boston Massacre. Although Attucks was credited as the instigator of the event, debate raged for over as century as to whether he was a hero and a patriot, or a villain.