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Q: Who prepared the actual wording of the declaration of independence?
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Did the actual writing of the Declaration of Independence.?

Thomas Jefferson

Who did most of the actual of the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

Did the actual writing of the Declaration of Independence?

thomas jefferson

Where is the actual document of the Declaration of Independence?

Washington DC

When did the actual signing of the Declaration of Independence take place?

The signing of the Declaration of Independence took place on July 4th,1776.

Who did most of the actual writing of the Declaration of Independence?

thomas Jefferson

What was the actual majority of the declaration of independence about?

Our rights as "We the people" and it was a declaration of us separating from Great Britain. "What it was about" cannot be expressed better than by it's title. It was a "Declaration of Independence".

Where is the actual copy of the declaration today?

The Declaration of Independence is in the Smithsonian Museum of American History in Washington, DC.

Where would you find the actual Declaration?

If you mean the US Declaration of Independence, it's in the National Archives in Washington DC

What two singers of the declaration of independents?

I'm going to assume that you meant "Who were two signers of the Declaration of Independence?" and answer that, rather than your actual wording, which seems to be asking about a duet about financial liberation from one's parents/guardians. John Hancock, quite famously, signed his name very large. Thomas Jefferson, who actually wrote the Declaration, also signed it.

On what date was the declaration of independece signed?

By The Continental Congress On July 4, 1776.

When is the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence?

The actual anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence was on July 4, 1826. Both Jefferson and Adams died 50 years later, on July 4.