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The North South conflict in the United States of America was over slavery. The South wanted slavery and the North wanted to abolish slavery.
The South
Radical Republicans wanted the Federal Governenment To force change in the South
They wanted their freedom and the countries Venezuela, Ecuador , and other South America
Yes, he wanted to punish the South.
They referred to themselves as "Radical Republicans" .
what is the philosophy that crime does not pay when an offender experiences harsh penalties
If varies state to state, and some have very harsh penalties, including severe fines.
put the culprits into jail for long time,it can be awareness for them.
Radical Republicans generally wanted a strict Reconstruction policy for the South, including the enforcement of civil rights for freed slaves and punishment for Confederate leaders. Many felt that the return of the South to the Union was premature and that more drastic measures were needed to ensure lasting change and justice.
Democrats took the view of Reconstruction that harsh penalties needed to be doled out to former Confederates while giving full rights to Freedmen.
Crime was affected in the the renaissance period due to the harsh penalties meted on those found guilty.
{| |- | Penalties, if severe enough, can serve as a deterrent. If the penalty is not harsh enough, often the case with some environmental issues, the offending party will simply pay the small penalty and not change their way of doing business. If it is too harsh, it may prevent companies and individuals from taking risks that could lead to beneficial actions. |}
{| |- | Penalties, if severe enough, can serve as a deterrent. If the penalty is not harsh enough, often the case with some environmental issues, the offending party will simply pay the small penalty and not change their way of doing business. If it is too harsh, it may prevent companies and individuals from taking risks that could lead to beneficial actions. |}
The North wanted more leniency and protection for fugitive slaves, while the South wanted stricter enforcement and harsher penalties for those helping slaves escape. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was part of the Compromise of 1850 in an attempt to address the growing tensions over slavery in the United States.
IF penalties are set, these, in a democratic country, are set by the people's elected representatives. Thus by definition the penalty fits the crime in the eyes of the majority. If you feel that the penalty is too harsh, that is simply your opinion not a fact. * In the past, higher penalties were designed to discourage violations of the laws, often by "making an example" of convicted offenders. But they had the effect of filling prisons for many years with minor offenders, and laws were changed to provide more appropriate sentencing.
not as harsh as it was in the south. they did not have to work for life like saves in the south had to.