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they wwre called loyalists they moved up there because they did not feel they should fight against their king

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Q: Who were American colonists who moved to Canada rather than fight against the British crown in the war for independence?
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What three groups of people had the British enlisted to fight against the colonists as stated in three grievances in the declaration of independence?

According to the Declaration of Independence, the British had enlisted their standing army, foreign mercenaries, and the Native American tribes living along the frontier to fight against the colonists. All three groups are mentioned explicitly in the grievances section of the Declaration of Independence.

How did the colonists respond to a call to arm themselves against the british?

At first, many colonists did not support the rebellion against the British. This was especially true in the New England region. Over time, however, taxation without representation and British impressment of U.S. seamen triggered the dormant colonists to take arms against the Brits. This, of course, led to two wars of Independence, which was won by the colonial armies and militias.

What was the conflict between the Tories and the Patriots?

The Patriots and the Tories were two groups of people during the American Revolution. The Patriots were a group of "rebels" against the King(George III) and wanted freedom and independence in America. The Tories were "loyalists", that is, loyal to the King. They were against independence in America and were proud of being British. They most likely just didn't want conflict with Britain during this time.

The American colonists based their right to revolt against Britains authority on the claim that?

their rights as British subjects had been violated.Taxation without representation

Colonists who fought were called?

"Patriots" was the name given to the Colonists who fought for independence. Loyalists aka. "Tories", were those Colonists who remained "loyal" to King George III i.e. England.

Related questions

What country did the American colonies fight against to gain their independence?

The American colonists were seeking independence from Great Britain. In order to have that independence, the American Revolutionary War was fought.

What war did American colonists gain independence from British?

The American War of Independence (1775-1782), a civil war in which some of the British colonists living in America took up arms against their fellow countrymen in America and Britain to achieve self-government.

What three groups of people had the British enlisted to fight against the colonists as stated in three grievances in the declaration of independence?

According to the Declaration of Independence, the British had enlisted their standing army, foreign mercenaries, and the Native American tribes living along the frontier to fight against the colonists. All three groups are mentioned explicitly in the grievances section of the Declaration of Independence.

What was the purpose of Thomas paines common sense pamphlet?

The purpose was to tell American colonists to rebel against the British monarchy and proclaim their independence. ///the purpose was to encourage colonists to proclaim their independence from britain, and to helped confused colonists come to a resolve into which side they would join.

What was the complaint listed against the British king in the Declaration of Independence?

Taxes were to high for colonists to pay

In the french and Indian war who did the American colonists fight against?

the british

What did the American revolution involve?

At first the American Colonists wanted their freedom and independence from England. Then, after the Colonists won the Battle of Saratoga, France joined them and helped them to defeat the British. The victory of the Colonists was one of the factors that led the French people to revolt and against their king, and led to many other revolutions against monarchies and other rulers.

How did the American Revolution begins?

The British taxed the colonists to much that they started to rebell against the British.

Who led the American colonists to rebel against British rule?

The British government taxed the American colonists to an extreme and treated them unfairly. The colonists even drew up a document stating their grievances against the King and when it was ignored they rebelled. But it was mainly taxes.

Why colonist fought against British?

The colonists fought the British because they declared their independence and the British promptly sent an army to put down the rebellion.

Who was against america in the Revolutionary War?

The British because the American colonies were fighting for independence from the British

Who was against America in Revolutionary War?

The British because the American colonies were fighting for independence from the British