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George Washington and James Madison signed the Constitution.

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Two men who signed the Constitution later became President under it: George Washington and James Madison.

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John Adams and Tomas Jefferson

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Q: Who were the only two presidents to sign the US Constitution?
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Who were the only two presidents to sign the constitution?

Washington and Madison

Who where the only two presidents to sign the constititon?

George Washington and James Madison

Who were the only two president to sign the Constitution?

goerge wasahington and james madison

How did the constitution eventually get ratified?

it was ratified by the fifty-two presidents

Were there ever two presidents of the US of America in office at the same time?

no . the point of a president is that there is only one at a time. there never are two presidents at once because the constitution only allows one . unless you count the vice president that is the only way there could be two

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Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743) and John Tyler (March 29, 1790) were the only two American presidents to have the Sun in Aries.

What Two people who were present for the signing of the constitution?

No two presidents wrote the Constitution since there were no presidents when it was written. There were several future presidents who were involved. They are;James MadisonJohn AdamsThomas JeffersonJames MonroeGeorge Washington was chairman of the congressJohn HancockJames Hamilton

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only Two presidents have been tried

What are two examples of how the presidents have affected the meaning of the constitution?

The Louisiana Purchase and the State of the Union Address.

What are two examples of how presidents have affected the meaning of the constitution?

The Louisiana Purchase and the State of the Union address.

Who were the only two people to sign the constitution and then go on to become a president?

John Adams (2nd President) and Thomas Jefferson (3rd President)

Why cant presidents run more than twice?

The 22nd Amendment of the US Constitution limits presidents to serving a maximum of two four-year terms.