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The top officials were the two annually elected consuls. They were heads of the city and the army. Originally they were quite like kings, except that there were two of them and their term of office was short. Their powers were undefined and therefore limitless. They also proposed laws which were then presented to the popular assemblies, for voting and and they conducted trials. They also presided over the proceedings popular assemblies

Over time their remit became more limited as other officers of state were created with specialist tasks. For example, the praetor took over judicial matters. The republic did not have a centralised government like a cabinet or administration. The various types of officers of state acted independently within the remit of their offices.

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12y ago

The government officials in the Roman Republic were aedile, tribune, quaestor, praetor and consul. The aediles were responsible for the city's infrastructure and weights and measures. The tribunes were responsible for the interests of the plebeian class and had a veto in the senate. A quaestor was a financial officer or a treasury official. A praetor was a judge with responsibility for various sections of the city and also a man who could raise an army and govern a province. The consul was one of two top officials who were responsible for the running of the government during their term of office.

The government officials in the Roman republic were aedile, tribune, quaestor, praetor and consul. The aediles were responsible for the city's infrastructure and weights and measures. The tribunes were responsible for the interests of the plebeian class and had a veto in the senate. A quaestor was a financial officer or a treasury official. A praetor was a judge with responsibility for various sections of the city and also a man who could raise an army and govern a province. The consul was one of two top officials who were responsible for the running of the government during their term of office.

The government officials in the Roman republic were aedile, tribune, quaestor, praetor and consul. The aediles were responsible for the city's infrastructure and weights and measures. The tribunes were responsible for the interests of the plebeian class and had a veto in the senate. A quaestor was a financial officer or a treasury official. A praetor was a judge with responsibility for various sections of the city and also a man who could raise an army and govern a province. The consul was one of two top officials who were responsible for the running of the government during their term of office.

The government officials in the Roman republic were aedile, tribune, quaestor, praetor and consul. The aediles were responsible for the city's infrastructure and weights and measures. The tribunes were responsible for the interests of the plebeian class and had a veto in the senate. A quaestor was a financial officer or a treasury official. A praetor was a judge with responsibility for various sections of the city and also a man who could raise an army and govern a province. The consul was one of two top officials who were responsible for the running of the government during their term of office.

The government officials in the Roman republic were aedile, tribune, quaestor, praetor and consul. The aediles were responsible for the city's infrastructure and weights and measures. The tribunes were responsible for the interests of the plebeian class and had a veto in the senate. A quaestor was a financial officer or a treasury official. A praetor was a judge with responsibility for various sections of the city and also a man who could raise an army and govern a province. The consul was one of two top officials who were responsible for the running of the government during their term of office.

The government officials in the Roman republic were aedile, tribune, quaestor, praetor and consul. The aediles were responsible for the city's infrastructure and weights and measures. The tribunes were responsible for the interests of the plebeian class and had a veto in the senate. A quaestor was a financial officer or a treasury official. A praetor was a judge with responsibility for various sections of the city and also a man who could raise an army and govern a province. The consul was one of two top officials who were responsible for the running of the government during their term of office.

The government officials in the Roman republic were aedile, tribune, quaestor, praetor and consul. The aediles were responsible for the city's infrastructure and weights and measures. The tribunes were responsible for the interests of the plebeian class and had a veto in the senate. A quaestor was a financial officer or a treasury official. A praetor was a judge with responsibility for various sections of the city and also a man who could raise an army and govern a province. The consul was one of two top officials who were responsible for the running of the government during their term of office.

The government officials in the Roman republic were aedile, tribune, quaestor, praetor and consul. The aediles were responsible for the city's infrastructure and weights and measures. The tribunes were responsible for the interests of the plebeian class and had a veto in the senate. A quaestor was a financial officer or a treasury official. A praetor was a judge with responsibility for various sections of the city and also a man who could raise an army and govern a province. The consul was one of two top officials who were responsible for the running of the government during their term of office.

The government officials in the Roman republic were aedile, tribune, quaestor, praetor and consul. The aediles were responsible for the city's infrastructure and weights and measures. The tribunes were responsible for the interests of the plebeian class and had a veto in the senate. A quaestor was a financial officer or a treasury official. A praetor was a judge with responsibility for various sections of the city and also a man who could raise an army and govern a province. The consul was one of two top officials who were responsible for the running of the government during their term of office.

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12y ago

The government officials in the Roman republic were aedile, tribune, quaestor, praetor and consul. The aediles were responsible for the city's infrastructure and weights and measures. The tribunes were responsible for the interests of the plebeian class and had a veto in the senate. A quaestor was a financial officer or a treasury official. A praetor was a judge with responsibility for various sections of the city and also a man who could raise an army and govern a province. The consul was one of two top officials who were responsible for the running of the government during their term of office.

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Q: Who were the top government officials in the Roman Republic and what were their duties?
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Who did not have power in the roman republic government?

Just about everyone

Who was the only person who could serve in the roman government?

There have never any governments in which only one person can serve. One person cannot possibly run a whole government by him/herself. During the 244-year period of the Roman monarchy the government was headed by a king who had government officials who served as his subordinates. During the 482-year period of the Roman republic the consuls were the two annually elected heads of the republic and there were four other types of elected officers of state, who also served in the government (the censors, the praetors, the aediles and the quaestors). During the 503-year period of rule by emperors the emperors were absolute rulers and appointed the officials who served in their governemnts

How long did the roman republic last?

The Roman Republic was established in 509 BC when the Roman Monarchy was overthrown, and was itself overthrown in 27 BC as a result of the Civil War that followed the assasination of Julius Caesar. It was replaced by the Imperial government of Augustus Ceaser and his successors.

A form of government in which the leader is not aking or queen but someone put in office by citizens with the right to vote?

A Roman republic

What are the three branches of roman government?

The ancient Romans did not have three branches of government. Their government could be loosely divided into two branches, the Senate and the Roman People. SPQR. The Executive, Legislative and Judicial are an American innovation.

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Who were the two officials who directed Roman government?

The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.The two officials who directed the Roman government during the republic were the two consuls.

In the roman republic who were the consuls?

In the Roman Republic the consuls were the two top officials. They had the ultimate responsibility for the running of the government for their one year term of office although they had lesser officials with specific duties under them.

What was the government of rome that was ran by select officials?

I guess you mean elected officials. It was the government of the Roman Republic.

What was the organization of the roman government as a republic and as an empire?

Under the republic the Roman government consisted of five elected officials, the aedile, quaestor, praetor, consul and tribune of the plebs. Although each official had his specific duties, many times the duties overlapped. If, by empire, you mean the principate, (Rome was already an empire under the republic) the main power was vested in the person of the emperor, although the offices of the republican officials were kept.

What were the top two officials in the early roman republic called?

The top two officials of the entire Roman Republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.The top two officials of the entire Roman republic were the consuls.

Who had a role in the Roman government?

it was republic (indirect democracy), so there was representative government with elected officials.

How did the officials who ran the roman republic get their power?

The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.The Roman officials of the republic got their power directly from the people as they were elected.

Who were the elected officials of the Roman Empire?

The consuls were the top in the Roman Republic and there duties were to head the army and run the government. Also there were two consuls and they could veto another. This kept things in the republic straight and in align.

Who are th government officials of roman republic?

The government officials of the Roman republic are starting from the top: Consul--top man, two of them Praetor--mainly a judge, but had other duties as well. Number changed over time Quaestor--treasury offiial, number changed over time Aedile--in charge of public works. Number changed over time. Censor--oversaw the rolls of citizenship every five years. Could remove people from the senate, if deemed unworthy. Tribune--plebeian official who had power of veto over everyone except a dictator. Originally two, but grew to ten.

which of these individuals would be considered a citizen of roman republic?

A doctor who has the right to vote for elected officials of the government

Who were the people responsible for the government of roman republic?

All the elected and sometimes appointed officials were responsible for the governing of the republic. Each political office carried its own responsibilities and the entire workings of the government were overseen by the consuls.The Romans themselves were responsible for the government during the republic. It was SPQR. The Senate and the Roman People. The people elected their officials and the senate debated and proposed laws.

What were the major characteristics of the roman rebublic?

idk read a book for once The government of the Roman republic could be characterized as a partnership between the officials and the people. The assemblies elected the officials to look after their interests.