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July 4, 1977, George Rogers Clark defeated the British and captured Kaskaskia near the Mississippi River. Clark had been organizing the defense of the sparsely settled Kentucky region against British and Indian ally raids. In October 1777, Clark puts before Virginia governor Patrick Henry a plan to capture several British posts in the Illinois country, of which Kaskaskia is one. Clark and about 175 men take the fort and town, which is inhabited mainly by French settlers. Clark convinces them and their Indian allies on the Wabash River to support the American cause. The British continue to hold sway at Fort Detroit, commanded by Lieutenant Governor Henry Hamilton, and Clark spends the next several years attempting to dislodge him. Washington writes governor of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson, December 28, 1780, in support of Clark's efforts to take Fort Detroit.

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15y ago
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11y ago

George Rogers Clark led the patriots, colonists, americans, whatever you want to call them into war and they were victorious

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13y ago

George Rogers Clark and his troops, after capturing Vincennes, marched up to Fort Kaskaskia, where they quickly gained control, and banished the British from the Western Frontier.

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9y ago

George Rogers Clark captured Kaskaskia from the British in 1778. After that, he captured Vincennes in 1779. These were big setbacks for the British in the Northwest Territory.

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11y ago

carbka seinsuh amoba

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