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They wanted rulings that met with their conservative thinking.


Presidents tend to nominate people who share their political ideology, although they sometimes accidentally err in the other direction. Former President George H. W. Bush appointed recently retired Justice David Souter, whom he thought had a conservative viewpoint, but who voted with the liberals most of the time.

President Eisenhower, a Republican, nominated Chief Justice Earl Warren and William J. Brennan, both of whom turned out to be influential liberals. When asked if he'd made any mistakes in office, Eisenhower allegedly retorted, "Just two, and they're on the Supreme Court."

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Q: Why did President Reagan and President Bush appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court?
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True- such is how Supreme Court Justices are chosen.

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The Senate

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He can appoint Justices, but they have to be approved by congress.

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No one directly appoints Supreme Court Justices. The president nominates candidates, and the senate accepts or rejects the nominees. So the president indirectly appoints justices, pending senate approval.

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No. The Executive Branch appoints US Supreme Court justices with the approval of the Senate.

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No. It only depends on how many supreme court justices leave office during the Presidents term. For example, if all of them died and/or decided to retire, the president would have the opportunity to appoint the entire bench.