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they wanted to be patriots because they wanted to be free from the king of england.

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Q: Why did colonists want to be patriots instead of loyalists?
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Why did the loyalists want the patriots to stay?

The Loyalists were making money off of the colonists

What did Loyalists and Patriots want?

The Loyalists wanted to be ruled by Great Britain and the Patriots wanted to be free from Great Britain.

What did the loyalists and patriots want?

The Loyalists wanted to be ruled by Great Britain and the Patriots wanted to be free from Great Britain.

Are loyalist the same as patriots?

No, loyalists are loyal to king, patriots want war.

How were the patriots different then the loyalist?

Patriots did not want to remain under British rule while the Loyalists did.

Colonists who did not want independence from Great Britain?


Who were colonists who was undecided about independence from Britain?

Colonists who opposed Britain and wanted freedom were patriots. Colonists who were loyal to Britain were loyalists or Tories. Most of the colonists wanted or didn't want freedom, so there really was no need to a name.

What distinguished American patriots and American loyalists?

Loyalists wanted to stay loyal to Britain but the patriots didn't; they wanted independence. the patriots did not like it when Britain taxed them from thousands of miles away and when it passed laws that were unjust. loyalists did not want to fight Britain

Did the loyalist want to fight?

Yes. They thought by force they could get the Patriots to change to Loyalists.

Supporter of colonial independence?

People who did not want independence from Great Britain were called loyalists, and people who favored independence from Great Britain were called patriots. WILLIAM U

What did the patriots and the loyalists agreed mostly on?

Both groups thought that parliament was more then they could handle because of taxes. None of the two groups liked taxes and wanted to do away with them.But loyalists remained loyal to the king and did as they were told without arguments.As Patriots took a stand!

Why didnt want independence from Great Britain?

colonists The person who answered before me is purely mistaken. There were three types of people in north America with relations in the revolutionary war. The Patriots wanted freedom. The Loyalists were with Britain. And the Quakers wanted peace.