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The Founding Fathers wanted to keep political pressure away from the Judicial Branch in order maintain the system of checks and balances. The system of government would only work if the judiciary was free from Legislative and Executive influence.

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Q: Why did framers want to protect the judicial branch from political influence?
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Why do you think the framers wanted to protect the judicial branch from political influence?

The judicial branch was intended as a check on the power of congress to write laws. Theoretically, a political faction could gain control of both houses of congress in sufficient numbers to supersede the veto power of the executive branch - such a faction-dominated congress could basically enact any law they decided to, including laws which (let's say) ended the executive branch, abolished elections, and amended the constitution to leave them and their appointed successors perpetually in power (versions of this kind of legalistic coup d'état have in fact happened in several nations in recent history). The judicial branch checks this through its power to overturn any law that contradicts the spirit and letter of the constitution. However, if the justices were subject to political influences, then the same political forces which allowed such a noxious faction to gain control of congress could be used to sway the opinions of the justices as well, defeating their primary purpose.

What of the following best describes the influence John Locke's Second Treatise had on the U.S. Constitution?

Locke believed that political society was created to protect individual rights

What influence did John Locke's Second Treatise have on the US Constitution?

Locke believed that political society was created to protect individual rights.

To protect liberty and specify its powers the framers gave congress what?

expressed powers

What did the framers give congress to protect liberty and specify its powers?

executive power

To protect liberty and specify its powers the framers gave congress?

enumerated powers

What did framers give congress to protect liberty and specify its powers?

Expressed Powers

How much power should be given to the judicial branch?

The Framers believed that separation of powers and checks and balances were essential to protect the rights of the people. They had to decide which powers to give to each of the branches of the national government, and how to give each branch ways to check the powers of the other branches. Today we will learn about the problems the Framers had in deciding how much power to give to the executive and judicial branches. We will also learn how they provided ways these branches could check the power of the legislative branch. Finally we will learn about the special system they established for the election of the President.

What The judicial branch of the government?

protect the us constution

How did the framers try to protect the rights of citizens of the constitution?

They added the Bill of Rights in order to guarantee the basic rights of all citizens.

How did the Framers of the Constitution ensure the power of government would be limited?

The framers of the U.S. Constitution advocated that the power of government would be limited. They ensured this by providing:

What is the nature and importance of judicial review?

the main importance of judicial review are: to protect individuals rights,to balance government powers and to create and maintain equality to every persons/people