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Q: Why do citizens influence the government?
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What type of government allows citizens to have the greatest amount of political influence?

A democracy Government

Why were colonial citizens able to influence the laws that governed them?

the had self government

What is a basic way citizens of a democratic nation influence the government?


What is a basic way citizens of a democratic nation can influence government?


What is a basic way citizens of a democratic nation can influence the government?


What influences government decision making?

The citizens of a the country can influence decision making

Which type of government allows for citizens to have greatest political influence?

Where it is understood that a government does not grant rights, but that it exists to preserve the natural rights of its people, this creates a system where citizens' via the ballot box and through appointed officials who answer to the public, there citizens have the most power and political influence.

In a democracy how do citizens control and affect the government?

Voting is a big way to influence. Also protesting can influence.

The ability of citizens to influence their government through an awareness and interest in politics is called?

political efficacy

How do citizens influence the government in a democracy?

Through their elected representatives they take part in law-making.

How did the petition of right influence the US Constitution?

It limited the power of the government and gave citizens rights

What civic responsibility allows citizens a chance to influence government?

i dont know why not ask someone smart?