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· The importance of appointing judges is interpretitions of law and will not be subject to change according to a different judge.

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Q: Why is it important to the judges to appoint to office rather than elected and that they cannot be removed from office unless impeached?
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Which people alone can be removed from office by impeachment?

The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeachment.

What is it called to accuse a judge of a crime?

To accuse a judge of a crime is called impeachment. If an official is found guilty of a crime they can be impeached and removed from their appointment.

How many us . presidents have been removed from office after having been impeached?

No Us President has been removed from office via the impeachment process. There have been two presidents who have been impeached. In 1868, Andrew Johnson was impeached by the House for violating certain statutes related to government processes; in 1998, Bill Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice. However, neither of these presidents was convicted by the Senate, so neither of them was removed from office.

Which president was not impeached?

Only two of 43 president were impeached: Andrew Johnson and William Jefferson Clinton. Richard Nixon resigned while impeachment charges were being prepared against him. In both cases the sitting president was impeached but in neither case did the Senate choose to convict so although both were impeached, neither was removed from office.

Who was impeached from presidency?

Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton have been impeached, but neither was removed from office. Both were acquitted at the trial that followed their impeachment. Richard Nixon was about to be impeached when he resigned. No president has ever been removed from office.

Related questions

Who were the prsidents that were impeached?

Clinton was impeached but not officially removed from office, and Nixon was to be impeached but resigned before he could be impeached.

Did Bill Clinton resign from being President?

No, he served out the two terms to which he was elected.

How can the president be removed?

The president must be formally charged with a crime (impeached) by the House of Reps. and then must stand trial in the US Senate. If convicted, he/she is removed. Impeached does not mean removed. We have impeached two presidents, but have never removed one.

How can a president be removed?

The president must be formally charged with a crime (impeached) by the House of Reps. and then must stand trial in the US Senate. If convicted, he/she is removed. Impeached does not mean removed. We have impeached two presidents, but have never removed one.

Are impeached official can run for a new public office such as senator?

Yes. Impeachment does not mean to be removed from office, it means to have charges brought against the elected official.

What particular officeholder have most been impeached and removed by the congress?

federal judges have most been impeached and removed by congress.

What a president have to do to get impeached and removed?

To get impeached the president would have to bribe, lie, or have a misdemeanor against him.

How can the state chief executive be removed from office?

Yes, he can be impeached and removed by the state legislature.

How do you remove a judge for misuse of power?

If a judge is elected they must be impeached. Municipal judges are appointed by the City Council in Colorado and they can be removed by them if they fail to perform their duties properly.

Was Bill Clinton inmpeached?

yes he was impeached but not removed

Became president after Lincolns assassination was impeached in 1868 but not removed?

Andrew Johnson became president after Lincoln's assassination and was impeached in 1868 but was not removed, Johnson was the 17th president.

What is only penalty that can be imposed on someone who is impeached?

They will be removed from office