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It is called the Supreme Law of the Land only for the United States and its citizens. It is called supreme because all other sub forms of government within the country and all legislation passed by individual states and their local districts must not pass laws that supersede the rights and laws of the Federal Government. The Federal Government gives and protects the rights of all of its citizens and those rights can not be infringed upon by any other legislation which violates those rights. Supreme=highest law to which all others are held accountable.

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Q: Why is the US Constitution called the Supreme Law of the Land?
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The US Constitution is called The Supreme Law of the Land.

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The constitution is the supreme law of the land.

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The constitution is the supreme law of the land.

What is the supeme law of the land?

The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land. The Constitution is constantly being interpreted by the Supreme Court and therefore it is called a living breathing document.

What is this a supreme law of the land?

I know that the right answer is the US constitution.

What is the surpreme law of the land?

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land in America.

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it's supreme law of the land. and it is the Constitution.

The supreme law of land is?

the constitution

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The constitution

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the United States Supreme Court

What does supreme land of law mean?

The supreme law of the land means that when there is a conflict, the supreme law always wins. Article Six of the Constitution is called the Supremacy Clause. It states that Federal Laws always reign supreme in conflict with state law.