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It takes more energy to grind meat than it does to take off a few bits of a pencil. The crank on a pencil sharpener doesn't have to be large to spin around efficiently. If you used the same size handle on a meat grinder, you'd be grinding an ounce of hamburger for an hour before getting anywhere. It takes a larger crank to efficiently turn with enough strength to move the grinding mechanism.

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Q: Why is the crant on a meat grinder larger than the crank on pencil sharpener?
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What did people do before the tv was invented?

Each new generation had a new mass medium. And each generation loved the particular medium they had. For example, in the 1890s, movies (called moving pictures or photoplays back then) were invented. They were silent and black & white but people loved them because they had nothing to compare them to; as movies improved, soon there were movie stars, and exciting stories, and special effects. People thought movies were pretty cool. Around the same time, phonographs and recorded music were invented; people loved this new invention, even if the early record players didn't sounds very good (and you had to crank them by hand). People didn't complain because they never had music in their home before so they thought this new invention was the best. In 1920, commercial radio came along. It started in 3 cities in the US (and it also started in several countries including Canada). People loved it because it told stories, it took you to an event exactly when it was happening, and it played your favorite songs and let you hear the baseball game or whatever. In fact, people were amazed by radio. They had lots of favorite programs, and many kids dreamed of being radio stars. And they didn't miss TV because it hadn't been invented. For people in the era before TV came along, radio and movies and records changed their life.

Why did leon czolgosz kill William McKinley?

Leon Czolgosz was communist but also an extremist. Other communists in America felt like he wasn't a true communist because he was so out there and radical. To prove he was with/ not against communism, he shot William McKinley.

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the portion of a crank between the crankpin and the shaft or between adjacent crankpins -called also crank arm, crank throw

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