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Q: What countries that lie within the boundaries of the Persian Empire?
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What modern countries that lie within the boundaries of Persian Empire?

Those lying between Libya and Central Asia.

What 7 modern countries that lie within the boundaries of the Persian empire?

Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan.

What are 7 modern countries within the boundaries of the Persian Empire?

Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel. Egypt, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan.

What are the seven modern countries lie within the boundaries of Persian empire?

Libya, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzistan..

What are seven countries that lie within the boundaries of the Persian Empire?

Libya-Egypt, Asia Minor, Syria-Palestine, Mesopotamia, Thrace-Macedonia, Media-Persia, Central Asia, Western India.

What are the 7 modern countries within the boundaries of the Persian Empire?

Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Macedonia, part of Greece, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan.

How long in miles was the distance between the Persian Empire and the city of Jerusalem?

The city of Jerusalem was within the Persian Empire.

Seven modern countries that lie within the boundaries of the Persian empire?

Libya, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Bulgaria, Afghanistan, PakistanLibys, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan.

What are seven modern countries within the boundaries of the Persian emprie?

Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Libya, etc.

What 7 seas were located on or within the boundaries of the Persian Empire?

There were 20 provinces. In today's terms, they covered Northeast Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and Pakistan. Where do you get seven?

What are 7 modern countries that lie within the boundary of the Persian Empire?

Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan.

What area did Sparta promise the Persian empire?

During the Peloponnesian War between Athens and its empire and the Peloponesian League led by Sparta, the Peloponnesian League received assistance from the Persian Empire which wanted to remove the intrusion of Athes into the Persian Empire via the Greek cities in Asia Minor which it had controlled. The defeat of Athens left these cities exposed and Persia was able to resume control of them and restore peace within its boundaries.