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Q: What was the first Greek city-state to be ruled by tyrant?
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This is a dictatorship.

Who ruled the city state of athen?

First a king, then an aristocracy, then a tyrant, then a democracy, then an oligarchy, then a democracy, then an oligarchy, then a democracy, then a king.

Why did some Greeks prefer being ruled by tyrant?

they where geeks

How can you use empire in a sentence?

The empire was ruled by an evil tyrant.

Who were the rulers of Athens Persia and Sparta?

This changed over the centuries. Sparta was ruled by two kings, a council. and an assembly Athens was ruled first by a king, then an aristocracy, then by a tyrant, then by an assembly of the people. Persia was ruled by a king and his council.

Who were the rulers at the time of Greek and Persian Wars?

Persia was ruled first by king Darius then King Xerxes. The Greek city-states were ruled by their aristocracies.

What Greek colony ruled Pompeii?

The Greek city/colony of Cumae ruled Pompeii.The Greek city/colony of Cumae ruled Pompeii.The Greek city/colony of Cumae ruled Pompeii.The Greek city/colony of Cumae ruled Pompeii.The Greek city/colony of Cumae ruled Pompeii.The Greek city/colony of Cumae ruled Pompeii.The Greek city/colony of Cumae ruled Pompeii.The Greek city/colony of Cumae ruled Pompeii.The Greek city/colony of Cumae ruled Pompeii.

What ruled the greek titans first?

Gaea and Ouranous were the 1st. They were the parents of the Titans

What is a sentence using the word tyrant?

The tyrant ruled with an iron fist, showing no mercy to those who opposed him.

Who ruled Syracuse at the time of the war between Rome and Carthage?

It tyrant Hiero II.

What type of government does the ancient greek?

It depends, but the last type they have and the type they have to day is a democracy, in the past it was ruled by a king and then nobles or aristocrats. They called it aristocracy, the nobles or aristocrats were wealthy male land owners that decided to overthrow the king, then they were overthrown by a tyrant, then the tyrant was overthrown by the people, witch then became a direct democracy.

Are the people of north Korea free and protected by the law?

No. They are ruled by a tyrant who is starving the entire population.