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The Gentry:

Some Gentry were great nobles who spent most of their time at court with the monarch. Others, like sir Henry Tichborne, did not go to court but were the most important people in their countries.

The Middling Sort:

Some of the middling sort were merchants and master craft men who worked in the twns but very few people lived in towns compared to today. Most of the middling sort were yeoman farmers who owned or rented some land

The Lower Sort:

The lower sort had no land. They worked as servants and laborers on farms r in towns. If the could not find work they often become beggars.

Source: My History Text Book

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Q: What were the social classes below the gentry?
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During the colonial period the Philadelphia social society had several groups. The upper group, highest social class of people, ran the government, laws, and churches. The social group beneath the upper class are called the gentry. The gentry owned most of the largest, profitable, lands. Below the gentry is the middle class and then the lower class citizens.

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During this period, British society was divided into three main classes: the nobility, the gentry, and the commoners. The nobility consisted of the monarch, peers, and landed gentry who held significant wealth and political power. The gentry were landowners with less status than the nobility but more wealth and power than commoners, who made up the majority of the population and were mostly peasants or laborers.

What is a gentry?

Definitions of gentry are: 1. A member of a house in the royal court. 2. A high-ranking member of the Faerie Court.3. People of good social position, specifically (in the UK) the class of people directly below the nobility in position and birth.

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S. M. Wright has written: 'The Derbyshire gentry in the fifteenth century' -- subject(s): Elite (Social sciences), Gentry, History, Social conditions, Social history

Use social structure in a sentence?

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Elizabethan social rankings?

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Who was in the gentry class?

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