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It helps understand the culture and the art. Many cultures reuse paintings and this is done for several reasons. One might be that the artist didn't have the money to buy new supplies and reused something that didn't sell, wasn't finished, or the subject had changed that was popular. Another reason is another culture took over and covered or destroyed the existing art. In ancient cultures the art was often a display of Propaganda by the current government or king and by destroying or painting over the art it was the same as telling the population that there was a new government or king. No art meant no memory. Many times the church would also come in and declare art as improper so censoring the art by painting over it. An example of this would be Michangelo's Last Judgment in the Sistine. After he painted it the pope decided too much of it showed nudity on the figures so he had the nude parts painted to cover it up. Some archeologists have found new work under other paintings that gave a new insight into the artist. This happened with a da Vinci painting.

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Q: When archaeologists were studying ancient paintings they found paintings layered over older ones. What does this help us to understand?
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