Little is known about the birth of St. Nicholas of Myra. It occurred about the year AD 270 and died in AD 343.
saint nicholas of myra was about 73 years old when he died.
Saint Nicholas has been dead since December 6, 343. Saint Nicholas was referred to as the "wonderworker", and his likeness has attributed to the story of Santa Claus.
The story of St. Nicholas is based on the life of Saint Nicholas of Myra, a bishop in Asia Minor in the 4th century.
Saint Nicholas (NOT Santa Claus) was from Myra, a town in Asia Minor. Today we call the country Turkey.
Saint Nicholas of Myra died in the fourth century AD.
saint nicholas claws
It is said that they died during a plague or epidemic when Nicholas was still quite young.
Saint Nicholas is often referred to as Saint Nicholas of Myra or Nicholas of Bari.
Saint Nicholas of Myra was of Greek origin.
No. Saint Nicholas is a Christian festival.
Saint Nicholas was the Bishop of Myra in Turkey,
The title of Saint Nicholas of Myra was 'Bishop."
Saint Nicholas of Myra was a Catholic bishop.
St. Nicholas is not the patron saint of Turkey. He is the patron saint of Russia and Greece.
Czar Nicholas II was executed by a firing squad on 17 July 1918.
St. Nicholas of Myra is the patron saint of Greece and Russia.