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Q: Who built one of the greatest cities of the ancient world and named it after himself?
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What geographical feature were most of Italy's ancient cities built on?

Most of Italy's ancient cities were built on the plains, near rivers. The ancient Italians were mostly farmers, so their cities were build in areas conducive to farming.

Who built one of the greatest cities of the ancient world and named it after himslef?

I'm not sure that Alexandria, Egypt would qualify as "one of the greatest cities". But the Macedonian conqueror Alexander the Great did order the building of a city near the mouth of the Nile River.

Did the people built the ancient city?

Cities are exclusively a human phenomenon, so all ancient cities were built by humans. Which ethnic group of humans built the city depends on which city we are talking about.

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The Phoenicians were an ancient people who built the cities of Tyre and Sidon. They were known for their maritime trade and seafaring skills in the ancient Mediterranean.

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The cast of The Greatest Tunnel Ever Built - 2008 includes: Edward Burns as Narrator Morgan Curran as himself Chick Donohue as himself Richie Fitzsimmons as himself

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The Pyramid of Giza which was built by the Pharaoh Khufu

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Where were many of Italy's ancient cities built?

Near the coast and on rivers leading to the coast.

How did land affect life in ancient rome?

Cities could not be built upon hills.