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A python can open its mouth very wide to swallow prey, stretching up to four times the diameter of its own body.

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Q: How wide can a python open its mouth to swallow its prey?
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How big can a python open its mouth?

A python can open its mouth very wide, up to about 180 degrees, allowing it to swallow prey much larger than its head.

How wide can a snake open its mouth to swallow its prey?

A snake can open its mouth very wide, up to about four times the diameter of its body, in order to swallow prey that is larger than its head.

How big can a snake open its mouth?

A snake can open its mouth wide enough to swallow prey that is larger than its own head.

How can a python swallow prey that is bigger?

Pythons can swallow prey that is bigger than them because their jaw opens really wide for that purpose.

How does a royal python kill its prey?

It unlocks it bottom jaw wide enough so swallow the prey whole.

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Swallow prey

How wide can snakes open their mouths to swallow their prey?

Snakes can open their mouths very wide to swallow prey, sometimes up to 150 degrees or more.

How much prey does a reticulated python eat?

Reticulated pythons swallow deer that weigh 300 pounds.

How is the mouth of the python adapted to finding and swallowing large prey?

They can dislocate their jaw so can swallow large prey. Their mouth doesn't 'find' food per say but in the roof of their mouths snakes have something called a Jacobson's organ, when the snake flicks it's tongue it is essentially 'tasting' the air. As the tongue goes back into the mouth it rubs against the Jacobson's organ and the scents are converted into information. Using this the snake can tell whether prey is about or not

How snakes eat?

snakes eat by swallowing their prey whole. they have elastic tendons between their jaw bones to allow their mouth to stretch open to almost a 180 degree angle.

What snake has a white throat and opens its mouth wide to eat prey?

Burmese python

Is a python prey?

yes it is a prey