

Best Answer

After a month, its position relative to the surrounding

stars has changed.

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Q: A student sees a very bright star in the sky and think it might be the planet Venus.Which observation would lend support to this conclusion?
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What is used to support a conclusion?

a conclusion helps the data

Why is observation important?

Observation is important in science because it allows for recordings during an experiment. It also is used as support for hypotheses.

What might you ask yourself when drawing a conclusion?

you need to ask ----> Does my conclusion support my hypothesis?

How does an observation evolve e into a scientific law?

an observation becomes an thesis through experimentation, proven info and support. a thesis becomes a theory through support and a theory becomes a law through even more support

When drawing a conclusion scientist examine the data to see if it supports or fails to support the hypothesis?

Drawing Conclusions

How was Paco and Eva's data support your conclusion?

Paco and Eva's data showed a clear trend that supported my conclusion. Their findings aligned with my hypothesis and provided additional evidence to support the validity of the conclusion drawn. The consistency between our data reinforced the strength of the conclusion reached.

What is the of a conclusion?

to explain why the data support or reject the hypothesis

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Student support services of Open University in the UK is student support services in the on line environment. They include on line academic advising, on line orientation, 24 hour help desk and site support.

Is an autistic student the same as special ed student?

No - 'special ed student' refers to a student who needs additional learning support in school or college, most autistic people do not require additional learning support.

How is evidence from data used to support the conclusion?

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Would a Canadian high school student support free trade?

Yes, a Canadian high school student can support free trade