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No, its opponent Athens did, brought on be its people being cooped up in Athens under siege by the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta.

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Q: Did Sparta suffer from a plague during the war?
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Did Sparta suffer a plaque during the war between each other?

The Spartans did not have a war between each other.

Who did Sparta defeat in the Peloponesean War?

After 30 years they defeated a plague weakened Athens.

The main events of the pelopennesian war?

plague was the main even that kept Athens from conquering Sparta

Who did Athens war attack during the peloponnesian war?

Sparta .

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Who was the Greek king of Sparta during the Trojan war?

The King of Sparta was Helen's husband, Menelaus.

How much power did athen actually have over Sparta in the peloponnesian war?

Athens was not in control of Sparta before, during or after the war. The only facet of its military that was stronger than Sparta's was the Athenian navy.

Why was the plague that struck Athens so devastating?

The plague that ravaged Athens killed many of it's citizens that were needed to fight the war against Sparta but Athen's lost it's leading citizen Pericles and his wisdom/guidance that was essential to the pursuit of the war .

Who was Sparta's general?

Menelaus was the leader of the Spartans during the Trojan war

What was the Spartan league called during the Peloponnesian War?

Sparta and its allies.

Who was the husband of Helen during the Trojan war?

Menelaus king of Sparta

Was Sparta part of a bigger organization during the Peloponnesian War?

We call it the Peloponnesian War today because it was between the Athenian Empire and the Peloponnesian League, of which Sparta was a member and leader. At the time, they referred to it the war between Sparta and its allies and Athens and its allies.