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Yes, though in Europe they are not called Fraternities and Sororities, instead they are called Nations and Verbindungen.

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Q: Do they have fraternity's or sorority's in European universities?
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Lots of European universities were started by churches.

Dis-advantages of fraternity and surority?

Only good things come from fraternitys, brah. Trust me

Which European universities offer scholarships to US citizens?

There are several European universities that offer scholarships to US citizens. Some examples include the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, ETH Zurich in Switzerland, Sorbonne University in France, and the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. It is recommended to check the official websites of these universities for specific scholarship opportunities and eligibility criteria.

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The future will see many more American students studying abroad as a result of this. Currently 20% of European Universities have American students attending.The future will see many more American students studying abroad as a result of this. Currently 20% of European Universities have American students attending.

What is an aulic?

An aulic is a ceremony in certain European universities to confer a Doctor of Divinity degree.

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Both are almost the same. In fact, there are many universities with exchange programs between Mexico and most European countries.

Where can you find price list of European universities?

There may be something like this in a college guide; you could also contact the individual universities and request a copy of their tuition and fees schedule.

What does Licenciateships in Physics mean?

A degree from certain European and Canadian universities ranking just below that of a doctor.

Middle ages ten major European universities and locate on map?

There were no universities in this time. About 90% off the population was unable to read or write. Only the clergy could read and write.

What is a bedelship?

A bedelship is the office or state of being a bedel - an administrative official at universities in several European countries, especially with a policiary function at the time when universities had their own jurisdiction over students.

How might universities that drew students from many lands affects European life in the future?

The university system of the Middle Ages encouraged students to travel often long distances to study different subjects.

Which characteristic allowed European universities to play a major part in launching the scientific revolution?

Their independence from government and church control.