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Air does generally flow from high pressure to low pressure.

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Q: Does Air flows towards low pressure regions?
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What does high pressure move towards?

Air always flows from High Pressure towards Low Pressure. Wind is caused by the pressure gradient difference. In a high pressure system, within the Northern Hemisphere, air flows clockwise, outwards and downwards; in a low pressure system (in the NH), air flows anti-clockwise, inwards and upwards.

Does are come together or move apart in an area of surface low pressure?

Air always flows towards areas of low pressure - and away from high pressure.

What is wind the result of?

Wind is the result of differences in pressure in the atmosphere and flows between air masses. It moves from high-pressure to low-pressure regions, in an attempt to even out all different barometric pressures.

Earths surface winds blow from regions of higher what?

Air pressure toward regions of lower air pressure

What kind of weather does low pressure bring?

Low pressure brings clouds and precipitation, because air flows towards the center where it rises, condenses, and precipitates.The weather is foggy and cold.

How does the wind begin?

air flows from hot regions to colder ones and what you get is wind

Why do the warm tropical air sink when they reach the poles?

Think of the air at the Equator as a column. If you heat it, the air in the column expands and rises, cooling as it does so. As the column gets taller, at altitude you have relatively higher pressure, and the air flows out towards a lower pressure area. When the air flows out from the top of the column, it leaves lower pressure at the surface. The opposite happens at the poles where the air is cold and dense. The column is shorter and heavier than the column at the Equator. The pressure is lower at altitude and so the high pressure air from the Equator flows there. Adding air to the top of the polar column raises the surface pressure and the air flows from there to a lower pressure area at the equator. So you get a circulation, out from the Equator to the poles at high level, and in towards the Equator at lower level. The air that left the Equator was warm when it was on the surface at the Equator, but by the time it has risen 40,000-50,000 feet and traveled several thousand miles at high altitude, it is no longer warm. The rotation of the earth and the roughness of the terrain affect the flow greatly, and the air at the surface tends to turn to the right causing rotating areas of high and low pressure.

Why electricity flows better through air if pressure is reduced?

The flow of electricity is not really affected by air pressure.

Winds are generated when air flows from a high pressure area into a what?

low pressure area.

Does air pressure increase as you go towards the center of a hurricane?

No. Air pressure decreases.

What is the role of air pressure in the occurrence of wind?

air flows from high pressure to low pressure region simple as that these are also reason why we get rain

How a pressure difference is responsible for the movement of air?

The pressure pushes it around depending on how high or low the air pressure is.ANSWERAir moves from areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure. If you have a water balloon and you squeeze it, the area where your fingers are is similar to a high pressure zone. The water then flows away from your fingers to the lower pressure areas of the balloon. That is how air flows in the atmosphere. Things such as humidity and temperature differences cause the different pressure zones, and the air flows from high pressure areas to lower pressure ones.