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There's are two types of fibre one being soluble fibre the other insoluble both are good for your general well being in different ways. There's also more than one type of cholesterol, good and bad. Insoluble fibre helps clear out your system and keep your colon healthy. Soluble fibre has been shown to lower bad cholesterol in your system, it being the LDL kind and has no effect on the good brands of cholesterol in your body the HDL and trigycerides kind. I don't know the exact science behind it but I think it has something to do with soluble fibre stopping the LDLs from bonding in your blood and allows the body to process them better.

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Q: Fiber has been recommended in the diet for its possible benefits in reducing heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol How is fiber thought to play its role in lowering blood cholesterol?
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What are the side effects associated with using nettle?

Safe in recommended dosages. Mild gastrointestinal distress may occasionally occur. Possible allergic reaction. Not to be consumed raw as it can irritate mucous membranes.

What does it mean when you have had a massive heart attack and your heart is dead?

I means that you are posting this question from the Heaven. Hugs on the female angels. (I assume that your are kidding, if not, excuse-me).But, how can your heart is dead? Obviously this is a matter for a cardiologist. Well, you have to perform a lot of tests from now on, to determine your cholesterol and triglycerides' levels. But, it means that the muscles of your heart would have its strength decreased, and only the time can tell how long do you have to wait to completely recover its power. It's possible that you will have to receive a Coronary artery bypass surgery, and take Lipitor to keep your cholesterol levels at low numbers. If you are a smoker, you have necessarily to quit it.

Is scoliosis a disability?

in the case of an SSDI application, it is always determined if the applicant can return to past work. If that is deemed not possible then it is determined if the applicant can be given any form of alternative work. If that also is not possible then the applicant's case will be approved for a medical vocational allowance. Thus in most of the cases it is through this route that people claim the social security disability benefits.

Is it not possible to get a heart transplant?

It is possible

Is it possible to forge a sword out of obsidian?

anythings possible

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How many mg of cholesterol should you get daily?

You should try to eat as healthily as possible. Try to look for foods which sya they help with lowering cholesterol. Such as Cheerios. You should give your doctor a call for more information.

What are some tips for lowering your cholesterol?

Some tips to lowering cholesterol, one of the most important ones is to start eating healthy and cutting our a lot of red meats and fat. Make sure you get plenty of vegetable and if possible start a exercise program.

What does LDLC Cholesterol mean?

An LDL Cholesterol number is the number they give you telling you how badly your arteries are blocked. The higher the number of your LDL, the worse your blockage is. Lowering your number will help prevent a possible future heart attack.

What are good cholesterol lowering foods?

Diet and exercise both play a big role in lowering cholesterol. Stick to lean meats (chicken, turkey) and try eat fish at least 3 times a weeks. Avoid fatty meats, greasy foods. Go to AND for information on a healthy, balanced diet. Whenever possible, choose whole grains when selecting pasta, bread, cereals, etc. Oatmeal is an excellent addition to an eating plan to lower cholesterol.

Maintaining Healthy Cholesterol.?

Heart disease is one of the major killers in our society. Although this disease affects people from all walks of life, it seems to disproportionately affect the working classes. Heart attacks and strokes cost taxpayers millions of dollars each year. For this reason, keeping your cholesterol level healthy is an important public duty. Having high cholesterol can lead to life threatening illnesses and even death. If you're serious about lowering your cholesterol, be sure to avoid fatty foods and sweets whenever possible. Also, consider talking to your doctor about whether you may need cholesterol lowering medication.

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Even if you begin drug treatment to lower your cholesterol, you will need to continue your treatment with lifestyle changes. This will keep the dose of medicine as low as possible, and lower your risk in other ways as well. There are several types of drugs available for cholesterol lowering including statins, bile acid sequestrates, nicotinic acid, fibric acids, and cholesterol absorption inhibitors.

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I really do not think this is possible.

Cholesterol Lowering Foods?

Nutritionists advise the ample intake of foods high in fiber, such as whole wheat, oats, barley, apples, pears, legumes, and berries. Fiber is believed to bind to the agents in the blood and digestive tract to eliminate cholesterol from the body.

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