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1Martha's views are probably unknown. General Washington however, having been the president of the Constitutional Convention and having exercised considerable influence over the shaping of the document, naturally was a strong supporter of its ratification. It would hardly be rational to preside over the convention, sign his name to the document, send it to the states for ratification and then come out against it, now would it?

Michael Montagne

2To further elaborate. I agree with everything but the strongsupporter. George Washington wanted to return to Virginia at the conclusion of the war. He was begged to preside over the Grand Convention, and again to be the 1st president - after refusing the crown (what they had worked out, they needed George Washington to be involved in - due to his legendary popularity). George Washington was involved in a lot of the prior discussion, and did a lot of correspondence by mail that lead to the establishment of the constitution. Federalists were the result of the framers not being able to create a republic due to the colonies modularity. The constitution, after resolutions, created a federalism instead of a republic. The general idea was to create a strong centralized government, until the constitutions effect on trade and the economy came into effect; Also, they needed to find a way to smooth the diversity caused from the modularity. In the "secret" deliberations, it was concluded that they must create a federal union - and they needed a compromise in order to make it work. The Great Compromise was the resolution that was created, as were others - but the Great Compromise was the primary issue needing attention. Anti-Federalists, as they were coined, used the issues that were debated as launching tools to put themselves into office. Thomas Jefferson, was bitter on his lack of mnemonics and felt left out.

George Washington's compromise: Gaining a stranglehold on iron ore and leasing the mines throughout Virginia, up the Nation's Road, and into the Ohio Valley. He had staked the land rich in iron ore as a surveyor, and as president put the land in his name. He then created a balance of power in the south... The armory at Harper's Ferry.

Note: federalist, is lower case. There technically was not a federalist party. The Republican Party, in its first life, was created by some who stood up for federalism. The anti-federalist movement was a ticket item for politicians of the day.

Eric J. Murphy

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Q: How did Martha and George Washington become Federalists?
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What values were in Martha Washington's life?

That is hard to answer and it can only be a guess and inferred from what has been written about her. She seems to have depended on Washington a great deal. Upon his death she refused to attend his funeral and watched from a second floor window and then she locked herself in the room. She seems to have been well respected and a good hostess. Her dinners are raved about in letters. She was less vocal about her positions unlike Abigail Adams who tells John her thinking on many topics.

What Federalist policies that the Jeffersonian Republicans disagreed with?

In short, a Federal government with too much power. Jefferson advocated an egalitarian democratic society and was suspicious of giving the Federal government would usurp natural rights and become tyrannical. Jefferson likened the Federalists to monacharsists. In fact, many Federalists did have doubts as to whether a largely democratic society would work.

Who influnced George Inness?

While George Inness was studying art under Regis Gignoux he become widely influenced by the Barbizon artists, they emphasized soft brushstrokes in landscape paintings.

How do you become a tattoo artist in Spokane or Washington state?

There is currently no license required for tattoo artists in Washington state... it is considered an unregulated state. So - you basically just get in by going to school for it, apprenticing, or being self-taught. You do need a Bloodborn Pathogen Certificate. Also a business license may be required.

Where did Mary Cassatt grow up?

There is usually one and the same answer to those questions 'Why did XXX become an artist?' Because they felt they had the talent and the urge. It is as simple as that!

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