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oil, oil is the answer. when the oil enters the blood stream, it goes int to the arteries, building a hill of errm fat!. when it hardens it is not sticky. lets say u run, your heart beats faster, them u get a heart attatcks. when u get a heart attacks your heart loses unreplacable heart muscles. Conclusion? constant heart attacks can lead to loss of heart tissue than is very important and is unreplacable. result? Heart disease! I hoped i helped!

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Q: How does fast food increase heart disease?
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Is heart disease common?

Heart disease is becoming more and more common due to the fact the growing number of people eating unhealthy foods regularly such as processed foods like fast food and ready meals. These foods contain lots of saturated fats and salts which can cause heart disease and cardiovascular disease, which do kill. Many more heart disease charities are being set up for the increasing number of deaths due to heart disease and deaths due to this disease are becoming more common as is the disease itself.

What is the leading cause of transcient heart attack?

Fast food :)

What food group should you least eat from to help prevent heart disease?

Refrain from eating too much of the Sugar and Fats food group, and you'll find less heart disease occurring inside of you. Also, don't forget your fruits and vegetables.

What is a list of heart diseases?

There are many different types of heart disease and therefore there are many causes. A few examples: Cardiomopathy - an infection of the heart muscle can be caused by a virus Bacterial endocarditis is infection of the heart by bacteria. Coronary heart disease, however, is caused by blockage of the arteries that give the heart muscle its blood supply. This can lead to a heart attack. This type of heart disease develops over time especially if you have high cholesterol. Congenital heart defect is when you are born with a defective heart.

Does PFC cause Heart disease?

Certain studies indicate that when heated such as in a microwave the chemical can leach onto the food in the container. It has been shown to cause cancer so yes I believe that heart disease is a possibility.

Related questions

What food source is linked to heart disease?

if some one eats to much fast food ,like hamburgers, your chances at getting heart disease it more likely.

Why is heart disease low in France?

because they are healthier and dont eat fast food

In what ways is fast food unhealthy?

Fast food is unhealthy because the amount of calories and fat in the food itself. Fast food also has too much grease. Eating too much fast food can link directly to health problems such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

What does unhealthy food do to you?

Unhealthy food can make you obese quite fast and also increase your chances of a heart attack.

What kind of sicknesses does fast food cause?

-increases blood pressure -Heart disease -Thickening/clogging arteries -kidney disease -building-up of fluids -cirrhosis -heart attack/failure -over weight

Is fast food harmful or useful?

Fast food can be both useful and harmful. The harmful parts are that it can make you obese and cause health problems such as clogged arteries, diabetes, and heart disease. The useful parts are that fast food can taste delicious and save money.

Is Fast food a cause of heart disease?

it is. it won't happen right away but it' s really unhealthy and can cause you to gain lot's of weight.

What effect does heart disease give to the heart?

eating fatty food

How do you reduce heart disease?

eat good food

Is flames the restaurant a fast food?

yes flames is fast food because flames gives you heart burn

What is over nutrition?

there are some condition that are related to eating of a certain nutriet. coronary heart disease occurs as a result of eating too much food

Is heart disease common?

Heart disease is becoming more and more common due to the fact the growing number of people eating unhealthy foods regularly such as processed foods like fast food and ready meals. These foods contain lots of saturated fats and salts which can cause heart disease and cardiovascular disease, which do kill. Many more heart disease charities are being set up for the increasing number of deaths due to heart disease and deaths due to this disease are becoming more common as is the disease itself.