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Increase in Venous returns increases end diastolic volume (EDV). This increase in volume stretch the atrial and ventricular walls. This also stretches the SA nodal fibers and AV nodal fibers triggering a homeostatic response to increase heart rate by up to 15-30% depending on individual and other factors.

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Q: How does increase venous return increase heart rate?
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Raising the arms overhead may decrease heart rate. This is normal and is caused by the change in venous return.

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There are really only two ways to increase heart rate: 1) increased cardiac (venous) return - usually due to exercise. 2) the sympathetic nervous system. It is possible to subdivide the sympathetic response, (fear, embarrassment, etc) but that's just artificial.

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Atrial reflex is also known as the Bainbridge reflex which is an increase in heart rate due to central venous pressure of the heart. The atrial reflex controls the heart rate more so in dogs than in humans or other primates.

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an increase in pulse rate

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hmm heart rate maybe?

What increases venous return?

According to Starling's law, an increase in venous return (i.e. increase in preload on the ventricles) results in a more effective contraction, hence augmenting cardiac output, as long as the actin and myosin fibrils in the muscle fibers are not overstretched. In the most simple terms, the more blood the heart collects blood from venous return, the more it is able to distribute through cardiac output. If venous return is poor, cardiac output will be poor- basically like a water pump that is connected to an insufficient supply of water.