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There are two tubes that take blood out of the heart. These are the pulmonary artery and the aorta.

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Q: How many tubes the heart has for blood to go out?
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What are the tubes that carry blood away from the heart?

Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood away from the heart. Next, it goes to capillaries, to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Since it is then oxygen-depleted, the blood must go back to the heart and lungs. Those tubes are called veins.

How does the blood flow from the heart to the body and back to the heart?

It is very simple There are many tubes that go in and out of the heart. I can't remember their names but I know that there are 4. Two are on the right and two are on the left. They transport blood to and from the heart. It moves in a kind of circular movement. Blood gets pumped and leaves the heart and then returns when it is deoxygenated and not usable. It sounds tough but is really easy to understand!

What happens after a heartbeat?

The heart has 2 tubes from it, one for the the first beat causing the blood o circulate out, and the other to come back. Causing the blood to go were it needs to.

Arteries go towards the heart and veins go away the heart?

Arteries carry blood away from the heart, veins carry blood to the heart

What effect does this have on the blood through the heart?

whe blood go's through the heart it get oxganated

How does the heart pump blood where does the blood go?

the heart pumps to the brain to keep it going

How many seconds does it take for all of the blood in the body to go though the heart?

It takes 60 seconds for all 5 quarts of blood to pass though the heart.

Where does blood go in the heart?

The blood forms in a round circle around the heart and then it goes into cells.

Where does blood returning to the heart go?

When your blood comes back to your heart it goes into the right atrium.

Where does blood go after pulmonary circulation is complete?

The heart. The heart.

How blood go in your heart?

Blood Travels through Veins

How many capillary beds does blood go through on each circuit from the heart and back to the heart?

On one fill circuit, the blood will go through two capillary beds, one of which is at the end organ, and the other is in the lungs.