

Best Answer

If you are concerned, check in with your doctor about removing the wart. Ask for a biopsy at that time.

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Q: If you have a benign wart on your uvula is there a chance it can turn cancerous later?
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Things start with letter you?

· ukulele · umbrella · umpire · uncle · underwear · unicorn · unicycle · uniform · utensil

What are body parts that begin with a e i o u?

a = ankle e = ear i = inferior vena cava o = oral cavity u = uvula

What body part starts with the letter U?

Uvula· underarm· ureter· urethra· urinary system· uterusBody part names that begin with the letter "U" include:uvula (in back of the throat)ureters (a tube coming from kidneys, one on each side)urethra (tube that goes from the bladder to the outside)ulna (a bone in the forearm)The Ulna bone, which is the shin. Underarm

What are some body parts that begin with a vowel?

Some verbs beginning with the vowel 'A':ActAbolishAcceptAbbreviateAccomplishAchieveAttendAssembleAvoidSome verbs beginning with the vowel 'E'ElaborateEditEliminateEmbarkElectEjectEnterErodeSome verbs beginning with the vowel 'I'IlluminateIgnoreImpeachImmunizeImagineImportImproveImpressSome verbs beginning with the vowel 'O'ObserveObsessOpenObtainOffloadObeyOmitSome verbs beginning with the vowel 'U'UnbuttonUnbuckleUnderestimateUnderlineUndoUnite

What is a person that begins with U?

Some words beginning with U:UbiquitousUdderUghUglyUkuleleUlcerUlteriorUltimateUltimatumUltraUltrasoundUmbraUmbrellaUmlautUmpireUnaccountableUnadvisedUnarmedUnawareUnbecomingUnbelievableUnbiasedUncannyUncategorizedUncleUncleanUnclearUncomfortableUncommonUnconsciousUncoverUncoveredUnctuousUnderUnderestimateUndergoUnderlayUnderneathUnderpantsUnderstandUnderstatedUnderstoodUndesirableUndeterminedUndoUnemploymentUnequalUnequaledUnevenUnfoldedUnfortunateUnhappyUnhealthyUnicycleUniformUnifyUninterestingUniqueUnitUniteUnitedUniversalUniverseUniversityUnknownUnlawfulUnlikeUnluckyUnnaturalUnoffensiveUnpleasantUnrealUnrulyUnsatisfiedUnselfishUnsightlyUnsuitableUntenableUntidyUntieUntilUntoUnusedUnusualUnwedUnwieldyUnwillingUnwittingUnwrittenUpUpbeatUpdateUpendUpgradeUpheldUpholdUpkeepUploadUponUpperUppityUprightUpsUpsetUpsideUptightUpwardUraniumUrbanUrbanizationUrchinUremicUrethraUrgeUrgentUricUrineUrnUrologyUsUsableUseUsedUsefulUselessUsherUsheretteUsualUsurpUsuryUtahUterusUtilitarianismUtilityUtilizeUtmostUtopiaUtopianUtterUziHundreds of words begin with the letter U. A few of those words include udometer, ugly, ukulele, ulcer, ultra, umbilical, umbrage, umbrella, ump, umped, umpire, umpired, umpires, umpiring, umps, umpteen, umpteenth, unanimous, unarm, uncap, uncle, uncut, under, underachieve, underestimate, undergo, understand, undertake, undid, undo, undress, undue, unearth, uneasy, unfair, unfasten, unfed, unfit, unfold, unify, unfold, union, unite, unity, unlit, unlock, unpack, untie, until, unused, unveil, unwed, unwise, unzip, up, upbeat, upcoming, update, updraft, upend, upfront, upgrade, upheaval, uphill, uphold, upholstery, upkeep, uplift, upload, upmost, upper, upright, uproar, uproot, upset, upscale, upset, upshot, upstage, upstairs, upstate, upwind, uranium, urban, urge, urn, us, usage, use, usher, using, usual, usurp, usury, utensil, utility, utilize and utter.Some words that start with the letter u:udometeruglyukuleleulcerultraumbilicalumbrageumbrellaumpumpedumpireumpiredumpiresumpiringumpsumpteenumpteenthunanimousunarmuncapuncleuncutunderunderachieveunderestimateundergounderstandundertakeundidundoundressundueunearthuneasyunfairunfastenunfedunfitunfoldunifyunfoldunionuniteunityunlitunlockunpackunsureuntidyuntieuntiluntrueunusedunveilunwedunwiseunzipupupbeatupcomingupdateupdraftupendupfrontupgradeupheavaluphillupholdupholsteryupkeepupliftuploadupmostupperuprightuproaruprootupsetupscaleupsetupshotupstageupstairsupstateupwinduraniumurbanurgeurnususageuseusherusingusualusurpusuryutensilutilityutilizeutterUndecagon Undecem Undefined Under Under one's thumb Underdog Undergird Underground Underlain Underlay Underlet Underlie Underline Undermine Underpants Underplay Underset Understand Understood Understøttelsespunkt Undertake Undertaken Undertook Underwater Underwhelming Underwrite Underwritten Underwrote Undici Undicola Undid Undique Undo Undone Undress Unearth Uneasy Unemployed Unemployment Unequal Unerring Unexceeded Unexcelled Unfathomable Unfathomed Unfit Ungar Ungern Ungersk Ungerska Ungerske Ungerskt Unghia Ungrare Ungrateful Unguent Unh-uh Unhand Unhealth Unholy Uni Uni- Uni-directional Unibrow Unicellular Unicode Unicorn Can't beat that. lol unsatisfied umbrellaunlike unlessWords beginning with the letter U include:Ultimate, ultimatum, under, urban, utter, uvula, underwear, umbrella, understanding, uncomfortable, unclear, unbelievable, underscore, unpleasant, ugly, ulcer, unkempt, unclean, unanimous, ubiquitous, undulate, uncle, unborn, underrated, underdressed, underneath, unify, unicorn, unibrow, undergo/underwent, underground, undergraduate, uniform, unicycle, undercover, underdeveloped, underdog, unbiased, unintentional, unanswerable, ultraviolet, ultimately, unhinged...underestimate, under, uvula, unimportant, urgent, usual, usually, utilize, unit, union, united, us, unexpected, undo, upper, use, usage, unsure, unsuccessful, unique, underwear, umbrella

Related questions

Can a Uvula grow back?

Your uvula is not supposed to grow back once it has been removed.

What closes the nasopharynx during swallowing?

The epiglottis closes the entrance to the trachea during swallowing.

What is the name of the structure that prevents fluid from entering the nasopharynx during swallowing?

The uvula flips up during swallowing to prevent fluid from entering the nasopharynx.

Is the uvula the same as the tonsils?

No, the uvula is a part of you gag reflexes. Plus, you cannot remove your uvula.

What is hanging ball in back of throat?

The hanging ball in the back of the throat is called a uvula.

What is the part of the throat that hangs down?

That is called the uvula. There are many theories why we have one but no one is really sure.

What body parts start with U?

Uvula - the small flap in the back of your throat

Can the uvula get infected?

Yes actually, i actually have a infected uvula right now! i went to the doctor and all they did was give me antibiotics. And its not as much the uvula but the throat infection spreading to the uvula.

From where does the uvula dangle?

The uvula is in the back of the mouth. It is also called the "palatine uvula" and is part of the soft palate. Stimulation of the uvula results in triggering the gag reflex, in order to prevent choking.

Does the uvula move?

Yes, the uvula in your throat does. When you scream or talk, it does.

What makes the uvula drop?

Paralysis of cranial nerve ten causes uvula palsy. Uvula deviates to the opposite side.

What is the small flap in the back of the throat called?

It is called the Palatine uvula, and helps us articulate our vocal sounds into human speech. It also helps break down your food.