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A: If a nucleus is a point like a flag pole then the electrons are orbiting this nucleus at a very big distance like football filed distance and they have a charge too

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Q: In what ways do electrons act like particles?
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In some ways light act like waves, in others like particles.

Why do you say cathode rays are electrons?

Because -- they are? Or, more specifically, because the particles within cathode rays act exactly like electrons. They either ARE electrons or they do a REAL good job of imitating them.

An atom can act as tiny magnet due to the spinning and orbiting motion of negatvely charged particles called?

The electrons.The electrons.The electrons.The electrons.

In what way electrons act like waves?

electrons go fast too

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because the magnet causes particles called electrons in the atoms of the nail to align along the magnet's lines of force. The atoms with aligned electrons then act like tiny bar magnets themselves.

What is the tiny particle of an atom that moves around the nucleus?

The particle that "circles" the center of an atom is an electron. (In reality, electrons act more like waves vibrating around an atom that particle circling an atom.) (Both neutrons and protons make up the center of an atom, neutrons have no charge and protons a positive one.)

What turns the particles in the flex mag sheet into a magnet?

Every substance is made up of tiny units called atoms. Each atom has electrons, particles that carry electric charges. Spinning like tops, the electrons circle the nucleus, or core, of an atom. Their movement generates an electric current and causes each electron to act like a microscopic magnet.

What particles act together to make atoms behave as a solids?

Electrons. Mutually repel elections of other atoms when they get close (as they are then much closer to other electrons than other protons)

The smallest part of an element that act like an element?

The atom is the smallest particle of an element that retains it's characteristics. Sub-atomic particles such as protons, neutrons and electrons form the atom and it is the amount of each of these sub-atomic particles that make the element that element.

What is the difference of how electrons act on metal versus how they act on sodium chloride?

In a metal, electrons are delocalised. This means that some of the atoms of the metal, say of sodium, give up their electrons and these electrons are free to move around. This creates positive sodium cations and a whole "sea of electrons". This "sea of electrons" allows an electric current to be carried through - since electrons are charged particles and in order for an object to conduct electricity it must contain mobile charged particles. In sodium chloride, the sodium's single valence electron is transferred to chlorine, which only needs one more electron for a full outer shell. The electrons in sodium chloride are held in position - and so solid sodium chloride cannot conduct electricity since there are no mobile charged particles.

How do you act like a transsexual?

You don't "act" like a transsexual. Either you are transsexual or not. And transsexuals act in all different ways, just like "average" people.

What objects act like a conductor and insulator?

The substances which have free electrons(which move freely ) act as conductor while those whose electrons held tightly (which can not move freely) are insulator.