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Hitler was elected to the Reichstag in 1933 as leader of the Nazional Sozialistishe Deutche Abeiter Partei. This was the largest party in the Reichstag (German Parliament/Congress) and as such he became Chanceller(Prime Minister) 0f Germany at the (very reluctant) appointment of President Hindenberg.

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Q: In what year did Hindenburg appoint Hitler chancellor of the nazi party?
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When did Germany and the Nazi party fall?

For all practical purposes the Nazi's gained took a huge step towards total power in Germany on 30 January 1933, when Hitler was appointed German Chancellor by President Hindenburg. They remained in power till April-May 1945.

Who was the leader of the Nazi Party and the head of the totalitarian regime in Germany?

Adolf Hitler was leader of the National Socialist German Workers' Party known as the Nazi party.

Why did the Nazi's agree with Hitler?

The Nazi party was dedicated entirely to the racial supremacy of the Aryan race, and the death or enslavement of all other, supposedly inferior races But this was well before The Nazi party came to power, the reason people so easily accepted the Nazi Party was because of the great depression their country was in ruins and they saw Hitler as like a beacon of hope a way to get their country up and running again but the real story behind it was Hitler didn't actually gain power the communist party actually got more votes but Hitler was Given power as he was given the title Chancellor from Hindenburg technically the people didn't accept the Nazi party, Hindenburg gave power to Hitler because he thought he could control him which in the end he couldn't, The people did no accept the Nazi party how could an entire race of people be so stupid to fool for his empty promises and false propaganda it's absurd. ------------------------------- Not true, i suspect that it was the edit. partically true,about the depresseion but Htiler did get more votes than the communist parties but he had his(sa) to impose fear on opponents such as the communist party ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nazi party was not "dedicated entirely to the racial supremacy of the Aryan race", that was only one small part of their policies. Nor were they "the death or enslavement of all other, supposedly inferior races", if they wanted to kill all of the suposedly inferior races, then they would have had to kill most of their allies. In one of the early elections the Communist party did get close to the same number of votes, but this did not last through 1932 and 33. The people not only accepted the Nazi party, they voted favoured it over any other party and they formed a minority government. Hindenburg did not think that he could control Hitler, but he knew that if he did not make Hitler Chancellor, then they would have to hold fresh elections. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ People accepted the Nazis because they were the way forward, they showed a way out of the troubles ahead. The people could not predict what would happen later because not even the Nazi leaders could have predicted it.

Were the Nazis Germans?

While the National Socialist Party was a German political party headed by Adolph Hitler there were plenty of Polish, Austrian, Dutch, and even American Nazis during WWII. Not all Germans were Nazis and not all Nazis were German.

How were the Nazis created?

In studying the NSDAP (Nazi Party) and how they were created, it appears that it was a progressive process that eventually allowed Adolf Hilter and his supporters to achieve power. Here is an outline of how they were created... 1. Hitler becomes 55th member of the DAP (German Workers' Party). This was the beginning party of the Nazis and entry of Adolf Hitler into politics. 2. Claiming to be a founding member of the party, the DAP is renamed the National Socialist German Workers' Party (abbreviated NSDAP). 3. Eventually, Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany in 1933, although it was not a clear majority and did not give them unrestricted power. 4. Reichstag fire occurs and Hitler puts forth the "Enabling Act" that allows him unrestricted power for the next four years. During which, the Cabinet had the authority to enact laws without the participation of the Reichstag. Giving Hitler "dictatorial" status and allowing him power to install his own policies for Germany (24 March 1933). 5. President Paul von Hindenburg died August 2nd 1934 and his power was transferred to Hitler to give him the title of "Führer und Reichskanzler" (Leader and Chancellor) These were some of the more important steps that effectively created Nazism and gave them power. And with events such as the Night of the Long Knives and Kristallnacht, it strengthened their control over the people of Germany.

Related questions

What position did Hitler get in the government in 1933?

Reichsfuhrer und kanzler ("Party Leader and Chancellor").

What percent of the votes was Hitler elected chanceler with?

In Novemer 1932 the Nazis (NSDAP) received 34% of the popular vote, which made them the largest party in the Reichstag but did not give them an overall majority. Hitler was appointed Chancellor on 30 Janaury 1933.

Hitler rose to germanys chancellorship in what year?

In 1933 Hitler became Chancellor as his party (the National Socialist German Workers Party) was the biggest in the Reichstag and all the other Chancellors appointed by President Hindenburg had failed. In 1934 President Hindenburg died and Hitler added the power of President to the power he already had as Chancellor, making himself the Fuhrer.

Who made Hitler a chancellor and why?

'hilter was voted by the people of Germany' is correct but rather vague,President Hindenburg made him chancellor after telling Hitler just weeks before 'how will i answer to god if i make you chancellor'. Hindenburg did this out of the German benefit and Hitler was voted positively. Hindenburg did not want this but the German people did, and Hindenburg couldn't refuse otherwise he would have looked like a terrible president.Expanded:President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Adolf Hitler chancellor after much hesitation (due to the fact that Hindenberg simply didn't like Adolf Hitler, or the Nazis. He ran for President under no party, but leaned toward the conservative side). In the end it came down to the threat of communism, and Hindenburg feared that the Nazis were the only party strong enough to protect Germany's middle class. - j

Why did Paul von Hindenburg name Hitler chancellor in 1933?

Hindenburg putted Adolf Hitler as chancellor of Germany in 1933 because he thought, he could control Hitler and the Nazi Party.. Hindenburg wanted control because Hitler and most high ranked Nazis at the time made orders to the SA to cause chaos and riots through Germany.

Why did Hindenburg appoint Hitler as chancellor of Germany despite serious concerns?

AnswerHindenburg want to keep and eye on Hitler. He didn't like Hitler he wanted to keep his friends close but his enemies closer.AdditionalHindenburg didn't really have any choice, the NSDAP and the DVP between them had a majority in the Reichstag, Hindenburg couldn't ask any other party or coalition to form a government as the numbers didn't stack-up. Hindenburg wanted to keep an eye on Hitler, his enemy, so he made him Chancellor? That doesn't make any sense! So if I don't want my enemy to have Power, I give him Power? What a load of baloney!

When did Adolf Hitler get his power?

He became Chancellor in January 1933. When President Hindenburg died in 1934, he declared himself Fuhrer, and Germany to be a one-party state, with voting abolished.

Who appointed Adolf Hitler president of Germany?

Hitler was the leader of the largest party in the Reichstag (national legislature). In 1933, Reich President Hindenberg appointed Hitler as Reich Chancellor (prime minister). This made Hitler head of government. He then used this position to supress his opponents and enact laws that made him the sole leader of a one-party state.

What made Hitler go in power?

Well how Hitler came to power SIMPLE Paul Von Hindenburg putted Hitler as Chancellor because before Nazis was in any power, they were still ruthless and very aggressive and hindenburg, thougthed he could control Hitler but when Nazi had seats, he used the promotion of the German workers party by doing rallies and marchers across Germany, especially Berlin to gets people notice and once he had people on his side, the Nazis left the Reichstag's and a re vote had to be made, as this goes on, the Nazis gain more seats due to more believers and the re voting , As this goes on with the violence hindenburg was put into a tough spot ,so he putted Hitler as chancellor. Chancellor is the 2nd greatest power in Germany, below president. When Hitler was chancellor it was matter time before hindenburg died and once he did, Hitler promoted himself to chancellor. This was legal because if the first in command (PRESIDENT) dies the 2nd in command (Chancellor) would become 1st in command. Once Hitler was fuhrer, everything changed

When did Hitler and the Nazi party came to power Germany but when?

Adolf Hitler and nasi party came into power in Germany after the time of "great depression" in Germany. On the morning of 30 January 1933, in Hindenburg's office, Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor during what some observers later described as a brief and simple ceremony.

Had the Nazis risen to power during World War 2 or had they already been in power before that?

Hitler and the Nazi party attained power when President Hindenburg appointed him Chancellor on January 30, 1933.

Why did Hindenburg not get along with Hitler?

Although Hindenburg was an old kaiser supporter, he was the president of the weimar republic. Hitler's aim was to overthrow such a republic in order to impose his fascist aims on Germany. These went against all that Hinderburg and the cabinet believed in, as these were trying to maintain a democratic system in post-war germany. When Hitler begins to become increasingly popular in Germany, the republic's reichstag of proportional representation becomes flooded with nazi representatives. These refuse to pass any of the motions put forward by chancellors appointed by Hindenburg, who is forced to impose his power of emergency decree often. Hindenburg refuses to employ Hitler as a chancellor as neither him or the rest of the government wish for him to have his way. However, without Hitler, the parliament filled with representatives of his party will never agree with the chancellor, never reaching decisions. In order to keep the democratic parliamentary system working, Hindenburg must find a chancellor that the Reichstag will agree with.