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"The two-party system" is the answer you are supposed to give. But you are smarter than that. In fact the United States has seen plenty of political parties at the national level. Before the election of Abraham Lincoln there were four parties trying to gain the Presidency. The two-party system is a myth created by lazy text book authors who can't find the time to explain things properly.

The Constitution provides for no political parties. And the founding fathers were not enthused with their development. But political parties formed none the less. And they continue to form in the modern era of our nation. Popular Libertarian Ron Paul has run as a Libertarian and has sought the Republican nomination for President.

So spend some time studying up on our American political parties. And beware of people who tell you that a Democracy and a Republic are two different things.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

That is a great question, but you get a lame answer:

The Democratic Party and the Republican Party make up the two party system in the United States.

It is a lame answer because it is reverse engineered out of the reality that in our country there are two major political parties and have been since the beginning of the republic.

In fact the "two party system" is not a system at all. There are many parties vying for attention in the U.S. The Green Party is one that is prominent as well as the Libertarian Party. Third parties are a frequent experience at the level of the Presidential election. A look at the history of the United States will show many third and fourth party efforts.

That there have long been two parties does not make it a "system." Two parties are not provided for in the Constitution. The main use of the term "Two Party System" is to belittle third parties and other political challenges to the protect Democrats and Republicans by making people believe that those two parties are the ones that make up our system.

And people who write civics books are suckered in to the invention and it is an invention that is easy for them to use. So instead of spending time telling you how things really work, they take the easy way out.

Don't be afraid to question the 'facts' put before you; especially if something doesn't ring true.

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What are the percentages of registered voters by political party in the US?

As of 2011, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrats (tying a 23-year low), 27% as Republicans, and 40% as independents (largest in 60 years). Nevertheless, since more independents leaned to the Republicans, when including the leaners, the democrats and republicans ended up tied at 45 percent (from wikipedia)

How many Republicans are in the House?

There are about 72 million registered democrats in the U.S.

Are there more Republicans in the congress than Democrats at this time?

As of 2013, there are more US voters registered as Republicans than as Democrats. But that doesn't mean everyone votes for their party affiliation. In 2010, self-identification of US registered voters was 52% Republican to 43% Democrat.

How many seats did republicans win in senate in 2010?

As of Jan 7th 2021: Majority Party: Republican (51 seats) Minority Party: Democrat (46 seats) Other Parties: 2 Independents (both caucus with the Democrats) Total Seats: 99 Note: Both Senate seats in Georgia were up for election in 2020β€”the Class 2 seat held by Senator David Perdue, and the Class 3 seat held by appointed senator Kelly Loeffler (special election). In both races, none of the candidates won a majority (50%+) as required by Georgia State law, forcing run-off elections to be held January 5, 2021. Senator Perdue's term expires on January 3, 2021, resulting in a vacancy in that seat until the run-off election results are certified.

What is the democrats' position on same gender marriage?

There is a full spectrum of views on same-sex marriage.Some Republicans believe the U.S. Constitution should be amended to prohibit same-sex marriage. That would nullify all same-sex marriages previously performed and prevent any state from permitting same-sex marriages in the future.Some Republicans believe same-sex marriage should be left to the states, but that same-sex marriages should not be recognized by the federal government.Some Republicans and Democrats believe gays and lesbians should have some of the same rights and responsibilities as marriage, but that their relationships should be called "domestic partnerships" and not be recognized by the federal government.Some Republicans and Democrats believe gays and lesbians should have the same rights and responsibilities as marriage, but that their relationships should be called "Civil Unions."Some Democrats believe that same-sex marriage should be left up to the states and that the federal government should recognize them legally.Some Democrats believe that the federal government and all states should be required to recognize same-sex marriages, but that states should not be required to permit same-sex marriages to be performed.Some Democrats believe that same-sex marriage should be the law of the land in all 50 states and overseas territories of the United States and that the federal government should recognize them legalYou are implying that there are only democrats and republicans in the USA.Views on same-sex marriage cross political boundaries. It seems people who are in favour of it do not.

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As of 2011, Gallup polling found that 31% of Americans identified as Democrats (tying a 23-year low), 27% as Republicans, and 40% as independents (largest in 60 years). Nevertheless, since more independents leaned to the Republicans, when including the leaners, the democrats and republicans ended up tied at 45 percent (from wikipedia)

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Republicans and democrats make up the two main parties of our government. In politics, parties are groups of people who have common beliefs. Republicans and democrats both have different beliefs. If you want to go in to detail for what they believe just google what each party beliefs in. They both have good things and bad things about them. Also, these parties usually are the main competitors in political races. Obama is a democrat, and McCain is a republican.

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How many Republicans are in the House?

There are about 72 million registered democrats in the U.S.