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Q: Though they move across the deepest ocean basins seiches and tsunami are called shallow water waves How can this be?
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Can you hear Tsunamis?

It depends if the tsunami is big or not. Sometimes you can but sometimes you can't. You can hear Tsunami warnings though.

Tsunami waves are set off by what?

Tsunami (big wave in Japanese) are set off by a sudden and large shift of volume in a water body. Landslides have triggered tsunami i Norwegian fjords, usually though underwater earthquakes are the cause.

Is earthquake a type of tsunami?

No, a tsunami MAY occur after an earthquake, if the epicenter of the quake was underwater. Tsunamis do not always follow an underwater earthquake, though. That adds to people's uncertainty after a quake, especially about whether they should flee to higher ground after a quake.

Compare and contrast of earthquakes and tsunamis?

Volcanoes and earthquakes are similar but different at the same time. Similarities: *Caused by tectonic plate movement *Usually cause a lot of damage *Almost always very dangerous Differences: *When an earthquake happens it can literally make a volcano erupt *Cause different types of damage EX: Volcanoes burn stuff and earthquakes destroy it *Vary in sizes

How has the world's orbit changed since the 8.9 magnitude earthquake and the tsunamis?

No, earth's orbit around the sun did not change as result of the earthquake/ Tsunami in Japan, which was actually updated to a magnitude 9.0 earthquake. The length of a day, though, did change, and it changed by 1.8 millionths of a second. For earth's orbit to change, something would have to hit earth from outer space.

Related questions

Can you hear Tsunamis?

It depends if the tsunami is big or not. Sometimes you can but sometimes you can't. You can hear Tsunami warnings though.

What is the deepest lake in British Isles?

Lake morar in Scotland its the deepest at 310 metres deep

Can a tsunami bring sharks on shore?

Yes. All manners of marine animals can be brought on shore by a tsunami. Note, though that a shark brought on shore by a tsunami would be stressed enough that it would not be interested in eating.

Biakal the widest lake in the world?

Apparently not. It is supposed to be the deepest and the oldest though, and one of the clearest.

Do individual tsunamis get named?

No not like hurricanes. Large Tsunami events cetainly get remembered. The Tsunami that killed over 200 000 people on December 26 2004 is known variously as the Indian ocean tsunami, the Boxing day tsunami or the Asain tsunami. Normally tsunamis are "named" by their origin and their year such as the 1960 Chilean tsunami or the 1964 Alaskan tsunami, even though they may devastate areas thousands of miles away.

Tsunami waves are set off by what?

Tsunami (big wave in Japanese) are set off by a sudden and large shift of volume in a water body. Landslides have triggered tsunami i Norwegian fjords, usually though underwater earthquakes are the cause.

What is the deepest point on the earth surface?

The deepest point in any ocean is the Mariana Trench (aka Challenger Deep) in the western Pacific Ocean at 11,033 metres deep.

What is deepest lake in Utah?

I believe its Bear lake with a max depth of 208 feet. I could be wrong though.

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Has the tsunami in Japan affected the Dominican Republic?

There have been no geographical effects due to the Tsunami in Japan because it is nowhere near it. However, the economic disruption caused by it has affected every country on the planet. So, the economic system of Dominican Republic must be affected by the Tsunami in Japan, even though the effect is very small.

Is earthquake a type of tsunami?

No, a tsunami MAY occur after an earthquake, if the epicenter of the quake was underwater. Tsunamis do not always follow an underwater earthquake, though. That adds to people's uncertainty after a quake, especially about whether they should flee to higher ground after a quake.

What is the biggest tidal wave ever recorded?

The two most famous (current) tsunamis are the 2011 Tohoku tsunami in Japan and the 2004 Boxing Day (Sumatra) tsunami. The greatest historical tsunami (a series of them) accompanied the explosion of Krakatoa in August, 1883.