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Q: Was Norway against the nazi party?
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Was Adolf Hitler ever a spy against the nazi party?

Not against the Nazi party itself, he was its leader, however he was originally commissioned by the German Army to monitor the activities of its predecessor, the DAP (German workers party).

Are the Nazi party against the Soviet Union?

probably something

When did the Nazi come into Norway?

Norway was invaded by Nazi Germany on April 9th 1940.

Which country has the largest Nazi Party today?

Largest nazi party?? Nazi party was Adolf Hitler's Political party in GERMANY! Please see what you're asking, probably you're trying to ask that "when Nazi party became the largest party in Germany?" The answer is in 1932 elections, nazi became the largest party in Germany, although they did not gained majority. NO STUPID HE IS NOT ASKING "WHEN NAZI PARTY BECAME LARGEST PARTY IN GERMANY?" HE IS ASKING "WHICH COUNTRY HAS THE LARGEST NAZI PARTY TODAY?" For your information, there is still a nazi party today, and it is all over the world. There are many anti-nazi organazations in the U.S. Infact there was a holocoust museum opening in Chicago, and there were many pro-nazi rioters with nazi flags and chants protesting against the opening of the museum. (sry i don't know which country has the largest nazi party today :(.....)

Is the Nazi Party coming back but in the US instead of Germany?

The Nazi party is returning in the US,Germany,Brittan,Russia,South Africa,Canada,Sweden,Denmark,Ireland, Scotland,Poland,Norway and several other countries. The Nazi party isn't COMING back. It already is back. All the above listed countries have a significant Nazi group with sizable numbers.

How can Ultranatiolism lead to crimes against humanity?

Nazi Party + Hitler + eugenics = Holocaust

What are the crimes committed by Nazi party against human?

Genocide. Famously known as the Holocaust

How did Hitler and his Nazi party lash out against the Jews?

Nazis hated the religion of Judaism.

What was the first nazi party twords Jews prior to World War 2?

The Nazi party was against the Jews since it wrote its constitution in 1920. (No doubt it was before that also, but this is when they published it).

What are people who assisted the Nazi party in carrying out atrocities against Jewish people known as?


What roles did Hitler have in the Nazi Party?

Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party from 1921-1945.

What role did Victor Quisling play in the Nazi takeover of Norway?

His name was "Vidkun Quisling", and he was the leader of a party called "Nasjonal Samling" (National gatherness). He sympathized with the nazi-regime and was Hitler's Norwegian leader.He was shot after the war, and the name Quisling was forbidden in Norway, and today means traitor in the dictionary.