

Best Answer

a - to/at

beber - to drink

cifra - number, cipher

deber - to have to, 'ought'

español - Spanish

feroz - fierce

gigante - giant

helado - frozen, ice-cream

inquilino - tenant

jefe - boss

kilómetro - kilometre

lavar - to wash

lleno - full

maravilloso - marvellous, wonderful

nunca - never

olvidar - to forget

padre - father

querer - to love, like, want

recibir - to receive

saber - to know

tranquilo - quiet, peaceful

usted(es) - you, formal singular (plural)

ver - to see

Wenceslao - Wenceslao

xenófobo - xenophobe

ya - now, already

zanahoria - carrot

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Q: What are some Spanish words that start with the letters of the Spanish alphabet?
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Related questions

What are the two letters of the English alphabet that are not found in spanish alphabet?

All of the letters of the English alphabet are also part of the Spanish alphabet. Including,W and K, which are only used in foreign words.

Which two letters of the Spanish alphabet are only used for non-Spanish words?

The letters "k" and "w" are the only two letters of the Spanish alphabet that are primarily used in non-Spanish words, specifically in loanwords or foreign words that have been integrated into the language.

Whitch Two letters of the Spanish alphabet are only used for non-Spanish words?

The only two letters that are in the spanish alphabet that are used only for words that are from a different orgin are K and W. Ex: Kiwi, Koala, Wafles Even though these words are form a different orgin, they are accepted as "spanish words"

Name of that vegetable which start with P alphabet and having six words?

"P alphabet" and "having six words" don't make sense. The letters of the alphabet are called letters, not alphabets, and how can a name of a vegetable have six words?

How many letters are in the Philippine alphabet?

26, including letters used only in loan words from English and Spanish.

What letters of the English alphabet are not traditionally in the Spanish alphabet?

The Spanish alphabet has three letters not found in the English alphabet.They are:-che (‹ch›)elle (‹ll›)eñe (‹ñ›)_________________________________________________________________Actually ch and ll aren't official letters, they are official sounds in the spanish language the only letter that is not in the english language and are in the spanish language is ñ. Also, rr is an official sound.

What are some words that start with letters of the Mexican alphabet?

there is no "Mexican alphabet"its just the alphabet,just the letters are pronounced differently. now even if there was a "Mexican alphabet" Mexican isn't a language its a nationality.

What are words that start with h in Fiji?

H is not a letter in the fijian alphabet they do not use h x or y that's why thy only have 23 letters in the alphabet compared to the 26 letters in english

What is a set of letters that can be used to form words in written language?


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The German alphabet consists of 26 letters, just like the English alphabet. However, it also includes four additional characters known as umlauts: ä, ö, ü, and ß.

How many words are in the English alphabet?

There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.

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