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Taking long, deep breaths and lying down can help slow an increased heart rate caused by activity.

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12y ago
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12y ago

breath into a paper sack the Co2 from your breath will slow the heart rate

** don't over do it or you could pass out from lack of oxygen**

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Q: What can be done to control an increase heart rate?
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What causes a rapid heart beat?

An increase in the heart rate can be caused by a number of things. One is the increase in the blood coming back from the body to the heart. The increased volume of blood stretches the heart muscles causing a "reflex" increase in heart rate to accommodate the increased need for oxygen such as in the case of exercise. Another one could be the sympathetic control of the brain such as in periods of anxiety, fear or anger. Drugs can also increase your heart rate.

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Scary games can increase the heart.

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When you exercise, certain muscles need more oxygen. Your body does this by bringing more oxygenated blood to those muscles. This is done by an increase of heart rate.

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an increase in pulse rate

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The heart rate will increase due to hypovolaemic shock!

Does exercising increase or decrease heart rate?

Of course exersizing increases heart rate

How do you increase a heart rate?

Wow. Excersies. It speedes up Ur heart rate.