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it's the president

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Q: What is the simple subject in the sentence The president leads the government for the people?
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How were the articles of confederation and the constitution similar?

· They were established by the same people· Both were the official government of the United States· Both were the laws of the United States government· Both called the nation the United States of America

Identify the simple subject in the sentence there are too many people on this elevator?

All elevators have a certain capacity that they must maintain. There is not a number of people that must be adhere to but a certain weight capacity.

What did the Articles of Confederation limit?

It limited certain powers in the federal government, such as having sole power (there was to be a president), the people must have a say ect.

What is the importance of our government in the Philippines?

Your government should reflect the values of the people. The government should respect the rights of individuals and not merely be a vehicle for majority opinion on every subject. Government should be active in protecting the people and not subjecting them to dangers modern or historic. If government is aware of a danger to the people (an earthquake fault or a volcano, for example) it should be pro-active in advising the people on the correct course of action that would help them mitigate the danger. Your government should provide the infrastructure that the economy depends upon, roads, dams, courts, record offices and the like. And should pay for these with a fair and just tax system.

What is a democratic government?

A government which is made by people is called democratic government.A government that is selected, implemented, and constrained by the people.

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A linking verb in the sentence The people elected him president in 1800?

There is no linking verb in the sentence "The people elected him president in 1800." Elected is a regular verb.Linking verbs do not express an action and connect the subject to a subject complement. Example: Learning is fun. Isis a linking verb connecting the subject (learning) to the complement (fun).

What is the simple subject in the sentence people first made glass containers around 1500?

The simple subject of this sentence is "people".

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The complete subject of the sentence is "Some shy people."

What does the American government do for people?

What the President says.

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What does Presindental democracy mean?

A Presidential democracy means a system of government where the president is the head of government. The president will be elected by the people.

What is the simple subject in the sentence There are too many people on this elevator?

People would be the simple subject

Who is the head of the government Brazil?

the president that is elected by the people

Who runs Iraq?

the people of Iraq and its president, government.

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What are the differences in the types of government?

There is a government that has all the power and a government that has some of the power. People have power with the government and president.

What are the difference in the types of government?

There is a government that has all the power and a government that has some of the power. People have power with the government and president.