The earth is spherical. By placing a sphere inside a cylinder, cone or beneath a flat surface, every point on the sphere can be transferred or projected on to the surface of the cylinder, cone or flat surface. By cutting open the cylinder or cone, we again get a flat surface. Thus, it is possible to map the earth on a flat surface. That is how the various cylindrical, conical and azimuthal projections are derived.
Its called a projection map
Yes they do
Flat maps were drawn that way, because no one knew that the earth was round, until after Christopher Colombus.
Just because of their ignorance.
Its called a projection map
The earth is round, due to gravity, so there are no flat bits at the top and bottom.
A flat map that represents a portion of the round earth is called a "map projection". Map projections are used to display the three-dimensional earth on a two-dimensional surface, like a paper map.
projection map
A system of mapping the round earth on a flat surface is called a map projection. Map projections are used to represent the Earth's curved surface on a two-dimensional map. Different map projections have different strengths and weaknesses depending on the purpose of the map.
Its called a projection map