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Metamorphism is the name of the process (of heat and pressure) that causes the chemical; and therefore mineralogical; properties of a rock to change. Marble (changed from limestone) may represent the lowest grade of metamorphism, whilst the schists are a more common higher grade of that same process. At the extreme, the rocks will melt, but that is considered beyond the definition of metamorphism, for it will change the actual chemical nature of the rock. So - it is the application of heat and pressure; perhaps accompanied by shear; that are the metamorphic change agents. Usually caused by deep burial.

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Q: What state is metamorphic rock formed in?
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Rock formed by heat and pressure?

Metamorphic Rock

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A metamorphic rock made from limestone?

Marble is a metamorphic rock formed from limestone that has undergone intense heat and pressure deep within the Earth's crust. The process of metamorphism recrystallizes the original minerals in limestone to create the distinct crystalline structure and smooth texture of marble. Marble is valued for its beauty and is commonly used in architecture and sculpture.

How can a rock be transformed into a metamorphic rock?

Rock can be changed into metamorphic rock by heat and pressure.

Who is correct a metamorphic rock is formed from a sedimentary rock or a metamorphic rock can form from an igneous rock?

both are correct metamorphic rock can form from both.

What is slate formed by?

Slate is formed out of a sedimentary rock called Shale. It is a foliated metamorphic rock.

What kind of rock does a metamorphic rock start as?

Metamorphic rocks are formed from sedimentary rocks.

What is a metamorphic rock formed from a shale?

Slate. Slate is a low grade metamorphic rock derived from shale or mudstone.

Is slate a metamorphic rock which transforms from shale?

Slate is a metamorphic rock formed from the parent rock shale.

What kind of rock is formed with heat and pressure?

Metamorphic rocks, like slate or quartizite, or even diamonds.