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Q: What type of oligarchy is run by a single political party who makes all government decision?
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What were the three types of government that developed in the greek city-states after Greece's dark ages?

Oligarchy - 'rule by the few' - an aristocratic cartel which excluded ordinary people. Tyranny - rule by a single man appointed to get rid of the oligarchs and give the ordinary people a government which looked after their interests. Democracy - 'people power' - which gave the ordinary people a say in their government.

Articles of confederation needed to be changed to form what kind of government?

To a stronger central government. They didn't work because everyone was an individual and not united under a single working government.

What is the extreme political position?

There is no single extreme political position. There are a myriad of extreme positions, and that's just for one specific issue. All political issues have extreme positions, defined as a position which very significantly deviates from those positions held by the majority of the population.

What caused the major difficulties in uniting ancient Greeks under a single government?

geography: that region of the aegean world was divided by mountains, making travel, trade, communication, and unification difficult

In a totalitarian govermant how many political parties exist?

Normally there is only a single party in a totalitarian system. Occasionally other parties are allowed, but they are usually controlled by the government or the primary political party.For example, in North Korea, which is a totalitarian dictatorship, three political parties exist:The Workers Party of KoreaThe Chondoist Chongu PartyThe Korean Social Democratic Party.The WPK is the largest party, and the party that rules the country. The other two are tiny and almost totally powerless- they are required by law to always accept the rulings of the WPK; the WPK even picks their candidates during elections. It's all basically "window dressing" so that North Korea can try to say that they are a democracy (even though they are absolutely not one).

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What is the difference between oligarchy and autocracy?

An autocracy is a form of government in which a single person holds unlimited political power, but an oligarchy is a form of government in which the power to rule is held by a small, usually self appointed elite.

What is the difference between an autocracy and an oligarchy?

An autocracy is a government in which a single person holds unlimited political power. An oligarchy is a government in which the power to rule is held by a small, usually self-appointed elite.

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What is a government run by the few called?

Government by the few is an oligarchy, by a single powerful ruler an autocracy, and by the landed gentry an aristocracy.

Which form of government does a single person or small group hold all the power?


What is the government by a few called?

Government by the few is an oligarchy, by a single powerful ruler an autocracy, and by the landed gentry an aristocracy.

What contributions of Rome and Greece to modern political thoughts?

Beginning in ancient Greece and adopted by the Roman Republic, representative government was the foundation for modern political thought; that the people's voice be represented in political decision making by representatives -- rather than a single ruler and his (or her) Council.

What term names a form of government that is run by a few strong rulers?

Government ruled by a few strong rulers is called an oligarchy. If it is a single ruler it is a monarchy or a dictatorship.

What is the single party rule?

That is when political party and philosophy runs the government.

One person with unlimited political power?

A form of government in which a single person holds unlimited political power.

What type of government is in which a single person holds unlimited political power?


Only one political party is allowed by government?

Single-party rule