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athens was made up of four social classes. aristocrats,citizens,metics and slaves.

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Q: What was Sparta and Athens made up of?
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Who is stronger Athens or Sparta?

Sparta was stronger because they trained for the military more than Athens.

What were Sparta's and Athens weapons made of?

They are made by bronze

How did Sparta turn the tide in its against Athens?

made allanice with the Athens

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Athens was enemies with Sparta and Sparta was enemies with Athens

How did Sparta turn the tide in its war against Athens?

made allanice with the Athens

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Sparta full-time. Athens part-time.

Did Sparta or Athens have two kings?

im pretty sure Sparta did but i don't know about Athens i know people in Athens could vote but i remember looking it up and Athens did still have kings take it from me the ATHENS GEEK!

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they made a truce

Did the Athens or Sparta have a democracy?

Sparta because they did not have as much freedom as Athens.

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Did Sparta or Athens have a democracy?

Athens had a democracy; Sparta, an oligarchy.

Why did city-states join up with Sparta to attack Athens?

Athens, using the spoils of the empire it had made out of the nti-Persian league, was interfering in the city-states of the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta. This came to a head when Athens tried to destroy the levelihood of Megara, amember of the Peloponnesian League. The other members of the League appealed to Sparta to intervene, Sparta appealed to Athens to lift the action against Megara. An ocer-confident Athens refused and war ensued.