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Here is a question for your question: why are you punching holes in the lid of your paint can. You can preserve you paint by removing the lid completely from the can. I use a quarter to open my paint cans but a screw driver works good too. Then, when you are done painting you can put the lid back on without any holes in it, thereby preserving you paint...and money. Wipe the ring on top of the can with a rag so the lid will close tight. Place a small piece of wood on top of the can and tap it gently with a hammer. It will help drive the lid back on the container without damaging it.

ANS 2 - You totally missed the point ! -Questioner means to make small holes in the sunken inner rim, so paint in this rim can run back down instead of sticking to the lid rim. (-I'm surprised a painter wouldn't know that) When the lid is closed the holes will be covered,thus preserving the paint.

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Q: When punching holes in can of paint to allow paint to go back in can how do you preserve paint?
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