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Q: Which Federalist policies did the Jeffersonian Republicans disagreed with?
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What Federalist policies that the Jeffersonian Republicans disagreed with?

In short, a Federal government with too much power. Jefferson advocated an egalitarian democratic society and was suspicious of giving the Federal government would usurp natural rights and become tyrannical. Jefferson likened the Federalists to monacharsists. In fact, many Federalists did have doubts as to whether a largely democratic society would work.

How did the Radical Republicans respond to Andrew Johnson's policies?

Although he ran for President as a radical, Andrew Johnson\'s policies were not favorable to the Radical Republican\'s agenda. The Radical Republicans did not respond favorably to Andrew Johnson\'s policies and they were a vote short from impeaching him.

How Republicans view labor unions?

Republicans are generally very anti-union as they see them as a threat to business. Most of the damage done to unions in the US has been a direct result of policies enacted by the Republican party.

Why did the Republicans to lose the 1912 election?

At the 1912 election, Theodore Roosevelt was unhappy with Taft's policies so he formed his own political party called the Progressive Party. The votes for the Progressives and the Votes for the Republicans combined would have ensured the Republicans would have won, but the Democrats had the most electoral votes, so they won.

Why do republicans want to end democracy?

I don't know where you get the idea that Republicans want to end democracy. I suppose that depends upon your definition of Democracy. It would help if your question were more specific. As President Obama said, "Elections have consequences." He challenged to GOP to go out and win - and they did: the Presidency and both Houses - but still not as powerfully as the Democrats in 2008. It is a Republic in full swing.

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Were Federalist policies that the Jeffersonian Republicans disagreed with?

the establishment of a national bank

Which of these examples were Federalist policies that the Jeffersonian Republicans disagreed with?

The establishment of a national bank

Why did Federalists and Republicans stop fighting by 1817?

Republicans adopted many Federalist policies. Republicans had preserved Federalist economic policies.

What was the name of the Republicans who openly disagreed with Linclon's policies during the Civil War?

Republicans who openly disagreed with Lincoln's policies were called Radicals during the Civil War.

Did the federalist support the policies of Washington and Hamilton?

Yes. Those who were in favor of the policies of Washington and Hamilton became Federalist. Those who opposed them were Republicans, somtimes called the Democratic-Republicans.

What Federalist policies that the Jeffersonian Republicans disagreed with?

In short, a Federal government with too much power. Jefferson advocated an egalitarian democratic society and was suspicious of giving the Federal government would usurp natural rights and become tyrannical. Jefferson likened the Federalists to monacharsists. In fact, many Federalists did have doubts as to whether a largely democratic society would work.

What publication attacked federalist pOLICIES?

The national Gazette published by Phillipe Freneau in 1791 attacked Federalist policies.

What was Thomas Jefferson's political parties?

Jefferson started the Jeffersonian Democrats aka Democratic-Republic, (forerunner to the Democratic Party). They were the second political party, after the Federalist. Sadly, Jefferson used others, (ie newspapers loyal to him), to try and discredit Washington's policies during his second term.

What political parties did the democratic-republicans oppose?

The Democratic-Republicans opposed the Federalist Party, which they saw as too centralized and favoring special interests over the rights of states and individuals. They also opposed some policies of President George Washington, particularly his administrations' pro-British stance.

What policy changes did Democratic-Republicans introduce and federalist policies did Jefferson keep?

Alien and Sedition Acts expire, navy was cut to seven active ships, Jefferson also wanted to get rid of domestic taxes like the tax on whiskey. ; he kept the policies like: the creation of the bank of the U.S.

What policy changes did democratic-republicans introduce and which federalist policies did Jefferson keep?

Alien and Sedition Acts expire, navy was cut to seven active ships, Jefferson also wanted to get rid of domestic taxes like the tax on whiskey. ; he kept the policies like: the creation of the bank of the U.S.

What did roosevelt and Taft disagree on?

bacause taft had twisted around his own policies