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Q: Which food group provides nutrition that can help prevent type II diabetes and can help prevent heart disease?
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Can good nutrition prevent diabetes?

Yes it can, but you need exercise and good sleep, as well.

Where can I find a nutrition program to prevent diabetes? is a great website that gives tips to not only prevent diabetes, but to control it with great and helpful detail.

Why are phytochemicals important?

help prevent cancer,diabetes and vasicular disease

Is Heart disease linked to personal health?

Absolutely. Most heart disease, nearly all of it, is preventable by good nutrition, physical activity, and adequate water/sleep/sunlight. Fortunately this also the best way to prevent cancer, diabetes, obesity, premature aging, and lots of of other diseases.

What are the nutrition facts about trix cereal?

Prevent heart disease & lower bad cholesterol , good fiber

What suppliments can prevent bone disease?

The best way to prevent bone disease is to make sure your bones are as healthy as possible. Strong bones can be achieved through proper nutrition and calcium in take.

What problems may upset the estrous cycle and prevent a cow from breeding?

Poor nutrition, disease, old age.

How would someone get diabetes?

There is no way to prevent type 1 diabetes. It is genetic. You can prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes with diet and excercise. It also makes you fat and ugly. For more information on diabetes go to

What is childhood nutrition?

Childhood nutrition involves making sure that children eat healthy foods to help them grow and develop normally, as well as to prevent obesity and future disease.

What types of diabetic food products can I have? provides many very helpful diabetes diet and food tips for those who want to control or prevent their diabetes.

What are some ways that you can prevent heart disease?

Well there are multiple ways. One main factor of heart disease is smoking. So if you really want to fight heart disease STOP SMOKING!! You really shouldn't be smoking in the first place there are TONS of negative effects on your body. Next try to control DIABETES and prevent it. If you have diabetes that means that you should exercise more and have a healthier diet. Diabetes can also give you another factor of heart disease; HIGH CHOLESTEROL. If you have high cholesterol, it can seriously affect your heart and arteries in a negative way.

Why don't doctors tell people to eat a more healthy diet?

Actually, most doctors don't know very much about nutrition. They have been trained to treat disease with drugs and surgery. They have not been trained to prevent disease through healthy diets and lifestyles. Education about nutrition is all but nonexistent in medical schools. Only 30% of medical schools have a single required course in nutrition. A recent Senate investigation revealed that the average physician in the United States received less than three hours of training in nutrition during four years of medical school. That's not three semester hours. It's three total hours. To be fair, some doctors are actually following the science, and know that good nutrition can prevent and even reverse heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases, but many don't mention it to their patients, because they don't believe that their patients will accept it.